College Life

10 Times Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Summed Up College Life

College is hard. There’s no doubt about it, but if Kimmy Schmidt can survive living in a bunker for 15 years, we can certainly survive 4 years of college! Keep reading for 10 times Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt perfectly described college!

1. “Just smile until the pain goes away” Instead of “Kimmy-ing,” let’s call it “college-ing.” Because really, college is a painful time.

2. When times get tough, close your eyes, jump up and down, and shout “I’m Not Really Here! I’m not really here!”


3. “I’m having candy for dinner!” We eat what we can find. Don’t judge us.

4. When you venture off campus, every little thing fascinates you.

5. When you’re stuck in your dorm doing homework for what seems like 100 years “it’s called ‘outside in’ living.”

6. When you’ve already gone to a class and your roommate says you need to go to all of your classes. “But I already did something today!”


7. When your friend from home sees your dorm room “you live here? This certainly can’t be all of it” I wish my living space was bigger too, Jacqueline

8. When finals come along “I’ve decided to live as a werewolf, it’s much easier than living as an African-American black man.”…Or a college student.

9. Reflecting on your semester of math class and thinking, “all I’ve learned is that the Olson twins are four people.”

10. When finals are finally over you realize, you survived another academic year, dammit!

Which of the times that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt summed up college life is your favorite? Comment below and share the article!
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Tess Hanson

Tess is a Communication and Spanish student at Central College with a dream of becoming a news anchor. She has always been fascinated with language and how the same words can have many interpretations depending on where you are in the world. Tess believes when one door closes another door opens, which is why she chose to try her hand at writing. Her favorite things include tacos, cupcakes, adorable kittens, bursting into song, and vibrant colors.

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