10 Times The Simpsons Accurately Predicted The Future

The writers of the iconic animated sitcom The Simpsons have a knack of foreshadowing actual events. Over the years, The Simpsons have gained notoriety for jokes that eventually became reality. I am curious to know if one of the requirements to get hired as a writer of The Simpsons is to be a psychic and/or mentalist.
Now, with all of that being said, listed below are 10 Times That The Simpsons Accurately Predicted The Future:
1. Donald Trump Becoming President Of The United States of America (Season 11, Episode 17: “Bart To The Future”):
Of all the events that The Simpsons predicted and actually happened in real life, the most notable one comes from the episode “Bart To The Future”, which takes a peek into the future and shows Lisa as the President of The United States. In a cabinet meeting, she tells her staff, “We inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump.”
In real life, Donald Trump won the 2016 US Presidential Election and was sworn in as the 45th President of The United States on January 20th, 2017.
2. The FIFA Corruption Scandal (Season 25, Episode 16: “You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”):
The World Cup-themed episode of The Simpsons features Homer refereeing matches at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The only reason why Homer got the job was due to FIFA (Soccer’s main organizing body) having a shortage from massive corruption. Despite being tempted by all of the bribes, Homer decides to do the right thing and call the World Cup Final fairly, leading to Germany winning the World Cup.
While The Simpsons were correct in predicting that Germany would win the World Cup (In real life, Germany actually won the 2014 FIFA World Cup, but they beat Argentina (not Brazil as shown in the episode) in the Final), the most notable event from the episode that happened in real life was when various FIFA Officials were arrested (some received bans) following accusations of bribery, fraud and money laundering in 2015.
3. Old Beatles Letters (Season 2, Episode 18: “Brush With Greatness”):
One of the show’s earliest episodes (“Brush With Greatness aired in 1991) featured Sir Ringo Star answering fan mail that had been written decades ago. Flash forward to 12 years later in the real world when it made headlines that two women from Essex, England received a reply from Sir Paul McCartney after they had sent him a mixtape 50 years earlier.
4. The Horsemeat Scandal (Season 5, Episode 19: “Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”):
A quick visual from a Season 5 episode of The Simpsons features Lunchlady Doris adding “assorted horse parts” to the cafeteria lunches for the Springfield Elementary School students. In 2013, health officials discovered that in products that were labeled as 100% beef contained some horsemeat! These products were being sold in Sweden, France, and The United Kingdom.
5. The Coronavirus – Part 1 (Season 4, Episode 21: “Marge in Chains”):
Another event to add to the list of things that The Simpsons predicted would happen include The 2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic!
Fans of the show were quick to notice that one episode predicted the Coronavirus Pandemic. With regards to the coronavirus, the season 4 episode “Marge in Chains” depicted a global pandemic, but a fictional one called the ‘Osaka Flu’, which originate in the Japanese City of the same name and is over 1200 miles away from Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus started.
The Simpsons scares me. This episode aired 27 years ago in 1993 🤯 #CoronaVirus pic.twitter.com/Zc0XUZn5PO
— 𝒂𝒔𝒉 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 (@ashakiiii) January 30, 2020
6. The Coronavirus – Part 2 (Season 10, Episode 11: “Wild Barts Can’t Be Broken):
“Marge in Chains” wasn’t the only episode of The Simpsons that foreshadowed the Coronavirus Pandemic! Fans have also claimed that the season 10 episode “Wild Barts Can’t Be Broken” predicted coronavirus self-isolation.
In the episode, Kent reports the news from his own living room, telling the residents of Springfield: “This is Kent Brockman reporting from my own home in accordance with the new curfew for anyone under 70.” In today’s reality, Anyone testing positive for the Coronavirus has to self-quarantine for 14 days. People who have come in close contact with someone testing positive for the Coronavirus have to follow the same self-quarantine guidelines too in order to prevent spreading the disease. Furthermore, whenever we watch the news, we have seen several anchors doing the broadcasts live from their homes.
I hate to say it, I really do, but The Simpsons has… I can’t actually. pic.twitter.com/mVw6PZnRVL
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) March 21, 2020
7. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack (Season 5, Episode 10: “$pringfield“):
In the 1993 episode “$pringfield”, the Springfield equivalent of the Siegfried and Roy Magicians are attacked by a white Bengal tiger in the middle of one of their shows. In real life, a white Bengal tiger actually attacked Roy Horn during a Siegfried and Roy Show. The attack left Horn partially paralyzed and ended the long-running Las Vegas Show.
8. Disney Buying Fox (Season 10, Episode 5: “When You Dish Upon a Star”):
The end of this episode of The Simpsons features The 20th Century Fox Studio logo with “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” right underneath it. “When You Dish Upon a Star” aired in 1998. Fans of The Simpsons were quick to Twitter to point out how the show once again predicted the future as in March 2019, Disney completed its $71.3 billion acquisition of all of the film and TV Assets of 21st Century Fox (which includes The Simpsons).
9. The Nobel Prize (Season 22, Episode 1: “Elementary School Musical”):
The Simpsons‘ Season 22 premiere features Lisa and her group of friends making a predictions sheet for the Nobel Prize announcements. A shot of the predictions sheet shows Millhouse predicting that Finnish MIT Economics Professor Bengt Holmstrom would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Although Holmstrom didn’t win the Nobel Prize in Economics in The Simpsons’ Universe, he would go on to co-win the exact same honor with Oliver Hart in 2016.
Fun fact: @TheSimpsons' Milhouse once predicted MIT Prof. Holmström would win a #NobelPrize. Today, he was right! https://t.co/CC0LRk1avy pic.twitter.com/syhMiJBK2A
— Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (@MIT) October 10, 2016
10. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Halftime Show Performance (Season 23, Episode 22: “Lisa Goes Gaga”):
The Season 23 finale episode of The Simpsons featured Lady Gaga performing for the town of Springfield hanging in midair whilst attached to cables. Five years later for her Halftime Show Performance during Super Bowl LI, the Grammy-winner made her entrance by descending from the NRG Stadium’s roof and many fans were quick to point out the similarities between the stunt and The Simpsons episode “Lisa Goes Gaga”.
Which of these predictions that The Simpsons Made were you most surprised actually happened? What Prediction That The Was Made By The Simpsons do you believe will actually come true next? Be sure to let us know your answers to both questions down below in the comments section!
Featured Image Source: https://www.npr.org/2014/08/20/341884238/prepare-for-the-simpsons-marathon-with-interviews-from-the-fresh-air-archives
I am currently a senior at The University of Miami. I will graduate in December 2021 with a major in Journalism and minor in Sports Administration.