WARNING: CUTE PUPPIES AHEAD! Welcome to an article that is sure to make you smile. Over the years, I have become a lover of the amazingly adorable golden retriever puppies. These animals have always been a part of my life, but now that I am in college, it’s hard to have access to a puppy. So what better way to awe over them than to look at cute pictures?! I look up pictures of puppies more than I like to admit, but c’mon, who doesn’t love seeing these little bundles of fur? Even though all puppies are cute, this article highlights a few times where Golden Retriever puppies were just the cutest.
If you love America, and you love puppies, you’ll LOVE this puppy. What better way to show pride in your country than to have this cutie flaunt a flag?
This little guy is almost too cute to handle. Who knows what he’s doing, and who cares. Whatever he’s doing makes him totally adorable!
A bowtie?! On a puppy?! This is too good. “Excuse me sir, may I cuddle with you?”
If you’ve ever owned a young animal, you’ll know they love to see where they can and can’t fit. This little one has discovered that the sink fits him just right.
Some owners treat their animals like their babies, just like this one. What’s cuter in a swing, a puppy or a baby? I’ll let you decide.
Imagine: One day you go to check your mail, and when you open up your mailbox… you find a puppy inside! Now wouldn’t that just be the best day ever?
This cutie appears to want some attention. “Guys, let me in!”
There’s just something so adorable about the way a dog looks after playing in the snow. It must be their sense of curiosity, then their look of sadness once they realize snow makes them cold and wet…
Some dog owners – especially college students – like to introduce their pups to the party life. Turn up little dude! But, of course, don’t ever get your dog drunk. Bad idea, people. Bad idea.
Look at that fur! Look at that smile! A furry, happy, playful puppy. What more could you want?
Puppies love sticking their heads out of car windows. As long as they can’t jump out, this is one of the cutest things. Look how happy and free this little guy is!
What a mess! But how could you be mad at that cute face? Now time for a bath!
Who better to share your latte with than your fluffy little companion?!
Some people can’t even get their pup to sleep on a seat in the car, let alone in a baby seat! Only thing that could make this cuter is adding a baby in there.
That Coke can just shows how little this golden really is, and OH EM GEE. Adorable!
This pup seems to be so excited to go on a walk that he’s trying to walk himself.
Sometimes it’s hard to get things done when puppies are around. But are you complaining?
Other than being ridiculously cute, puppies can also be clumsy. They’re very new to the world and are just learning what is right and wrong! I guess this one thought it was right to sit on his brother’s head.
Still curious, still adorable.
Look how happy this pup is! This is sure to make you smile; puppy smiles are contagious.
Puppies are full of energy and always want to play. With a face like that, how could you say no?!
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