10 Times Blair Waldorf Spoke Words Of Wisdom

Hello, upper-east-siders! If you are a Gossip Girl fan, then you already know that Blair Waldorf is a true icon. However, if you are not familiar with this show (well, first of all, go watch it now!), Blair Waldorf is one of the main characters in Gossip Girl who ruled the Upper East Side of NYC with class and dignity.
One of the most unforgettable traits of Blair Waldorf is her drive to be a powerful woman. Throughout the show, she has blessed us with priceless advice and stunning outfits. If you are feeling stuck and in need of guidance and motivation, here are 10 times Blair Waldorf spoke words of wisdom.
1. “If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.”
Blair Waldorf was such a go-getter. This quote is a perfect reminder that you shouldn’t let other people or inconvenient circumstances get in the way of you reaching your goals. Blair knew how to keep her eyes on the prize and wouldn’t let anything distract her. If you are feeling like something is holding you back, here is your sign to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
2. “I’m not a stop along the way. I am a destination.”
This one might be one of the most iconic Blair Waldorf quotes of all time. Blair always knew her worth and could quickly recognize when someone was treating her less of a Queen B that she was. She was very high maintenance, and she took it as a compliment! One thing that we could for sure learn from Blair is to know our worth and let go of those who treat us as anything less than what we are. Whether it is a friendship or a romantic relationship, don’t let others take you for granted and underestimate you!
3. “You deserve someone who would move mountains for you if he had to.”
Ugh, those boys. Thankfully Blair Waldorf knew precisely what to expect from them. Blair’s high expectations reflected the way she saw herself: a powerful woman who needed a powerful man ready to do the impossible for her. When it comes to romance, you should never settle. Just like Blair said, you deserve someone who is prepared to do anything for you. So if that guy is not texting you back, well, then he is definitely not your Chuck Bass. Let him go and treat yourself to some macaroons and mimosas!
4. “I am the best of the best. I am Blair Waldorf.”
Blair never lost sight of who she was. Though she might have had doubts, she always believed in herself. Blair Waldorf carried herself with grace and confidence, which is precisely how we should all carry ourselves. Sometimes it can be easy to lose ourselves in our insecurities and pity parties; however, it is important to remember who we are. When you doubt yourself, repeat this Blair’s uplifting quote, “I am the best of the est. I am (insert your name)”.
5. “I would never put my fate into someone else’s hands.”
One of the most admirable Blair’s traits is that she always seemed in control and was quick to fix things to save herself and her friends. Though sometimes things are being our control, it is essential to remember that we are responsible for our future and success.
6. “He ended up treating me like something he owned instead of something he earned.”
Wow. Like I said earlier, Blair knew her worth and could recognize when someone was taking her for granted. Which can be a lot harder in real life. However, if you are feeling that someone has stopped cherishing you and is taking you for granted, then it is time to let them go. By loving yourself and knowing your worth, you are going to show others the way you want and need to be treated.
7. “They say Rome wasn’t built in a day. And yet, what a difference a day makes.”
Life can be absolutely crazy unpredictable, and Blair Waldorf knows that. If you ever feel anxious about the future, just remember this quote and its concept. One day can make a huge difference!
8. “The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end.”
As bittersweet as endings are, they often lead to new beginnings. Starting something new can be scary, confusing, and uncomfortable. However, they can also be exciting and essential to our growth. You can mourn an end of something while also be excited and anticipate a new beginning.
9. “We all try on old clothes from time to time, and we might even be surprised when they still fit, but that doesn’t mean we should wear them again, ever.”
If you have never watched Gossip Girl or don’t recall the context of this quote, I promise Blair is not (only) talking about trying on old clothes. Though, first of all, nothing good ever comes out of digging through our old stuff, am I right? However, this is a metaphor about letting our exes or simply our past enter into our present. Sometimes it is therapeutically to read through old texts and go through old pictures. Take a wall down memory lane! Afterward, however, delete the texts, photos, and don’t bring people from your past into your present. They didn’t make it this long with you for a reason, after all.
10.”Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.”
I am a huge believer that with a sprinkle of faith, everything is possible. However, some paths aren’t meant for us, which is when mimosas come in handy. Though difficult, sometimes we have to admit our defeat; however, we can still do it in a stylish and chic way.
Blair Waldorf is a powerful role model who we can learn a lot from. Her strength and class are genuinely the two things every young woman should strive to have! Which of these quotes did you like the most? Comment below and share this article with your GG-loving friends! Xoxo, you know the rest *wink*.
Hello! My name is Anastasia, and I am a college student in Wisconsin. I absolutely love all things fashion but even more than that I love to write (well, plus coffee). I hope my articles will inspire and motivate you!