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Throwing A Virtual Memorial Day And Still Having A Blast

Throwing A Virtual Memorial Day And Still Having A Blast

Every year, the Memorial Day holiday usually signifies the beginning of the summer season. People everywhere finally shed the last of their winter clothes for some fun and relaxation in the summer sun. However, the coronavirus pandemic has put a large dent in everyone’s summer plans. Unfortunately, because we all have to stay inside and socially distanced for the foreseeable future, we cannot celebrate Memorial Day in the way we’re used to. Although our barbecues and pool parties will be put on hold, there are still many ways we can enjoy this holiday. Here are some tips on throwing a virtual Memorial Day and still having a blast!

1. Play virtual games

Although we can’t gather together like we normally would this holiday, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun together. The best way to enjoy each other’s company from the safety of our homes is to play virtual games. Regardless of your choice of the online platform, whether it be Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facetime, or some other service, just talking to other people at this time can greatly lighten the load of this isolation. Games such as Codenames, Scattergories, Online Bingo, and Quiz Up are perfect for your virtual game night. You can even play Memorial Day-themed trivia to test your knowledge of American history. You can get everyone in the family included. If you’d like, you can even add adult drinks to loosen up and double the fun. 

In addition to games, you can also sit down and enjoy a movie or TV show in the company of your friends or family this holiday. With services like Teleparty and Scener, you can create chatrooms and even share screens while watching your favorite pieces of media. So, you can settle down on the couch with your dinner or a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the latest movie release with your friends. 


2. Decorate Anyway!

Although we may not be in the celebrating mood this year, the best way to lift your spirits is to keep up with your traditions. That means decorating your home and yard, even if you don’t feel like it. Decorate your living space with balloons, streamers, confetti, signs, flowers, lanterns, and anything else you can think of. Not only will the act of decorating life your spirits, but your friends and family online could also gain some happiness seeing how much time and effort you put into this event. You can even make games out of your decorating, especially if you have small children. Small children, more than anyone else, are being affected by the isolation of the pandemic. These times in their youth are times that only come once for them. So, to ensure that they’re not missing out on any fun, make the best out of this holiday. Hold contests to see who can decorate the best, or set a timer and see who can pin a hundred balloons up the fastest. In this time of limited movement, creativity and flexibility are everything. 


3. Cook a Memorial Day themed meal

Your barbecue plans don’t have to go to waste! Although large gatherings may be put on pause this year, you can still create a Memorial Day-themed meal and have your friends and family online prepare it with you. You can exchange recipes with your peers and cook with each other over FaceTime. You can even hold contests and see who prepares the best meal. If some of your friends are signified chefs, they can watch or teach them like you’re hosting your own cooking class. Decorate Memorial Day-themed pastries or prepare a barbecue dinner in your backyard. 

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4. Donate

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a great toll on just about everyone worldwide. However, some are being left more vulnerable than others. A great way to celebrate this holiday while remaining safe is to donate to your local organizations. Specifically, donate to marginalized groups suffering disproportionally from the coronavirus. You can help fight the global pandemic as well as its consequences by donating. Also, the options for donations are endless. Any agency you chose will go to a good cause. You can donate money or food to food banks to support struggling families. Because so many have lost their jobs and no stimulus deal is in sight, many are having trouble putting food on the table and feeding their families. By donating to a food bank, you can ensure food security for many people. You can also donate to several marginalized minority groups. Specifically, black communities were disproportionately affected by the coronavirus and racial justice movement last summer. Fighting a virus and institutionalized racism can take a toll on these communities. Tangible, monetary support can help these communities stay afloat. Black LGBTQ+, and even more specifically black trans communities, are the most in need of monetary support. If you feel comfortable, you can also donate blood to hospitals or blood banks overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. If you or someone you know have recovered from coronavirus, you can donate your antibodies to help further medical research against the virus. 


5. Dress for the occasion

Along with decorating and virtual games, the best way to remain in the celebratory spirit is to dress for the occasion. In the age of COVI-19, the days we get dressed and leave our houses are few and far between. So, for this Memorial Day, ditch your sweatpants for a nice dress, jeans, and a nice blouse, or even some Memorial Day-themed garb. Nothing will lift your spirits faster than a pair of red, white, and blue sunglasses. Taking the time to dress, put on makeup, and sit with friends can really be the remedy for isolation-induced sadness. You can even hold contests, and online fashion shows to see who has the best outfit. 

With these tips, you can surely throw a virtual memorial day and still have a blast. Do you have any tips or ideas to add to the list? Let us know in the comments!

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