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10 Thoughts You Have When Single During Cuffing Season

10 Thoughts You Have When Single During Cuffing Season

Cuffing season has begun, it's official! Today I'm sharing ten thoughts you have when single during cuffing season.

It’s official, cuffing season has begun. Today I’m sharing ten thoughts you have when single during cuffing season. Realizing you’re one of the last single people in your group of friends is tragic. It sets off a series of thoughts and emotions that can only be portrayed through gifs. I’m not saying being single during cuffing season is all bad though. There are pros and cons to everything in life. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the thoughts we all have had when single during cuffing season.

1. You’re Oblivious

You just got back from winter break, and you forgot what time of year it is. It is quickly approaching, cuffing season. The weather is cold, and v-day is almost a month away, but you’re oblivious. You’re just living your life getting back into the swing of things.

2. Realizations

You’ve minded your own business all year. You were oblivious that cuffing season was starting to approach. Now, here it is and you’re single. The realization has hit you like a brick. Now here you are, single in the midst of cuffing season.

3. Panicking

After the realization has dawned on you; you start to panic. You text your friends, download Tinder, and even consider going out with that random boy from Snapchat. The fact of the matter is you’re still single, your friends are taken, and you’re running around like a crazy person.

4. Desperation

It’s been a week since the panic has sunk in and you’re starting to get desperate. You’re matching with anyone and everyone on Tinder, yet you’re still not cuffed. How hard can it be to get cuffed? You’re trying to give someone your love and affection. At this point, your hope is faltering.

5. Annoyance

You didn’t notice before, but your friends aren’t helping. They have started taking pity on you, but that only makes you more annoyed. Also going out with them isn’t as much fun anymore because their boos are tagging along everywhere. It’d be nice if you could have one girls night out.

6.  Face It. You’re Lonely

At this point, you’ve probably equally annoyed your friends by being the single grouch. You’re now officially single during cuffing season, and you’ve successfully pushed your friends away. This is probably the lowest you will feel during this season. It can only go up from here, right?

7. You Haven’t Hit Bottom

Nope, it gets worse. You’ve hit the point beyond desperate. You have resorted to going on a Tinder date. You know how terrible these can be, but still, here you are. Brad took you to the local Olive Garden, you’re having a superficial conversation, and you can’t get enough free wine samples. Now, you’ve hit bottom.

See Also

8. Acceptance

You’ve decided it is time to accept that you are single during cuffing season. It isn’t that bad. If anything, it’s fantastic. You’ve seen all your friends messy tweets about their mans, and you’re feeling grateful. You’re happily single just doing your own thing! Plus, it’s nice not having a sub-par boy tie you down.

9. Redemption

Now that you’ve accepted the single life, it’s time to do a little damage control. I’m talking about hitting happy hour with your girls and catching up. It’s time to redeem yourself and make things better. You’ve both annoyed each other this season, and it all needs to air out. This is also the perfect time to have that GNO you’ve so desperately needed.

10. You Made It Through

Hallelujah! Cuffing season has officially come to an end. You’re back with your girls, you’ve accepted being single, and you’re thriving. Who knows what’s going to happen next, but what you do is you’ll never be caught off by cuffing season again. Thank u, next.

What are your thoughts on being single during cuffing season?
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