Thoughts On The Worst Sex Position Ever Created

I can’t even begin to tell you what I mean when I say that some of the positions that have been created for the purpose of sex should get reconsidered greatly. The worst sex position possible to me personally might be the best pleasurable one to others, but hey, to each their own right!
Stretch Before Anything Goes Down
The worst thing you can do to yourself is not love yourself enough to stretch the main parts of your body out that is going to be in the works. So lets think for a minute, the common parts of your body that get tension when done having sex is your back and legs!
Nobody wants to be aching and sighing the next day complaining that your body aches, so make sure you give yourself a pre-workout before the workout.
The Stupid Doggie Style
What the hell is that? I understand the position and what it intails, but to have sex in that position falls on the type of person that you are engaging this act with. You have the partner that wants to make sure it’s going to be enjoyable for both parties, by what I call it: breaking your back.
Breaking Your Back
Breaking your back is when you slide down making an arch that looks like a deep in your back, and your ass is in the air. Doing this is something that will, yes, give an excessive amount of pleasure but at the end of it all, honestly it’s not worth it. Example one of worst sex position ever created.
Settlly Breaking Your Back
This requires little to none of any extra movement, but being in the position of a dog, hence the position doggie style. This little position if you decide to stay in that demeaning stance in my opinion, you are subjecting yourself to a lot of back pains in the morning and maybe a few hours after having sex.
Riding Into The Sunset
Let’s go riding down memory tired. The most hated, most worst sex position ever, this is one my toppy top top. This is riding business is damn near close to labor work.
Do you understand how tiring that gets within the first few minutes of doing it, lol. Like it’s a combination workout to the core, honestly.
You are working out, you doing all the work, if that, you can barely catch your break, and your legs are giving out on you but you try to keep going. Crazy! Craxy! Crazy!
CowBoy and Reverse Cowgirl
Utterly and completely selfish, the audacity to have that many versions of the same sex position is baffling. I mean to those who don’t mind it, I’m sure you would say that it is a similar sex position with the same intention, but to me it’s all around the same.
You are still proped up there making the magic happen for your partner just in a different view in position. No need to be in denial.
You done ?
Just being able to tell this story is extremely funny, one of my friends told me that she was riding her boyfriend, it was her first time having sex with him, and she wasn’t having sex for a few years. She was nervous that going into having sex that she forgot how to do certain moves….long behold she did.
So, the first positon she got herself to try out was the damn cowboy, and she got up there and wasn’t doing it correctly so he started helping her, she eventually started getting tired and he goes “Oh you done. you tired”? She looked at him and said “clearly, why else would I stopped and got off”. I laughed so hard.