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10 Thoughts Lafayette College Freshmen Have

10 Thoughts Lafayette College Freshmen Have

Are you starting as a freshman at Lafayette College? Chances are, these 10 thoughts are probably running through your head right now?

Making the transition from high school to college is a huge change and something that many students have been preparing for and dreaming of since they were little. Since I am headed into my sophomore year of college, all of my worries going into freshman year seem like only yesterday. Here are 10 thoughts Lafayette College freshmen are probably thinking now that the the time has finally come to move into their dorms and start their college career.

1. I never thought this day would come

As I said before, this day has been a long time coming. The stress of SATs, ACTs, and college applications has finally come to an end and it’s actually time to go to Lafayette.

2. What if I end up hating my roommate?

I’m pretty sure everyone has this fear, whether you went random or requested your roommate, you never know how things are going to go once you start living with someone and sharing a small space.


3. Do I need to pack up my whole room?

Packing is one of the most stressful things to have to do. How do you decide what to take and what to leave behind? Do I need to take my winter clothes now, or do I wait until fall break? Do I bring all my shoes? The stress is real.

4. Does this mean I need to start “adulting?”

You know, being independent and capable of taking care of myself? Parents aren’t going to be there to make sure everything is getting done and that we are using our time properly, it’s all up to us now.

5. What if I don’t make any friends?

Even if you are only from the town over from Lafayette, starting out somewhere new without knowing anyone is really scary. It’s completely up to you to make new friends and connections.


6. Ew, I need to share a bathroom with 20 other people.

Need I say more?

7. I’m gonna be homesick.

It’s pretty much inevitable that I’m going to get homesick, especially at the beginning. I’m used to seeing my family 24/7 and now I won’t see them for weeks.

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8. Wait, what do I wanna major in?

Lafayette has tons to offer and I have an idea, sure, but what if I don’t end up liking it? My whole future is dependent upon this decision!

9. I’m going to miss all my home friends.

I’ve grown up with these people, I’m used to them just living right around the corner from me, and now we are going to be in different states! I don’t want to lose contact with them and grow apart.

10. Let’s do this.

I’ve been thinking about college since I was in elementary school and now its actually here. Time to start this crazy journey.

What were your biggest worries when you started at Lafayette College? Drop a comment below!
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