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5 Thoughts Everyone Has During An Exam

5 Thoughts Everyone Has During An Exam

Every class is different and every exam is different, yet we all have the exact same thoughts in every one. Here are 5 thoughts everyone has during an exam!

Every class is different and every exam is different, yet we all have the exact same thoughts in every one. Here are 5 thoughts everyone has during an exam!

1. Looking at the number of questions and thinking about how much time you have for each one.

Everyone has had the experience of getting handed their exam and immediately looking at how many questions there are and suddenly doing the math in your head to see how much time you have for each. This is something you do to think you are being smart and productive but you are actually just procrastinating taking the exam right in front of you.

2. Wondering how that one kid finished it in 20 minutes.

Have you ever sat there working on question 5 of 30 and all of the sudden you see someone already turning in their exam. There is always one of “those kids” in every exam and usually when you see them you get a little nervous about how slow you are going, but in reality everyone else is thinking the exact same thing.


3. Thinking you are taking the wrong exam because you have never seen half of this information before.

Okay, everyone has had a class where the exam is truly nothing like what you have been studying for. All of the questions look like they are in another language and you have no idea what they are asking. Honestly all you can do in this situation is wing it and hope for the best.

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4. When you finish first and forget where to turn it in when you are done so you wait for someone else to turn it in first.

If you have not had this experience then you were home-schooled. Everybody has had that awkward moment where you totally forget what your teacher said to do with your test so you just sit there awkwardly waiting for someone to turn it in first. Once this first brave soul has turned it in then you can make your move.

5. When you look around the room and hope your teacher doesn’t think you are cheating.

It is a totally normal thing for people to look around the room when thinking. In some cases teachers could think you are trying to cheat so you end up making eye contact with your teacher, which ultimately just makes you look guiltier even when you aren’t doing anything.

Can you think of any more thoughts everyone has during an exam? Let us know down below!
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