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This Is Why Women Should Approach Men

This Is Why Women Should Approach Men

Women should approach men for many different reasons, some may be that they know they're single, others may be that they just think they're a cool guy!

Ladies, this is why women should approach men–when it comes to dating in this modern age it can definitely be a major struggle! We have to dodge creeps and deal with online dating. Although many women prefer to be approached by men, it’s actually really dope when a woman can walk up to a guy and shoot their shot. We all fear rejection but it’s better getting an answer than constantly wondering the outcome if you took the risk.

It’s 2018, we should be bold when it comes to dating, shooting our shots and sliding in the DMs. Whether you’re struggling to find a date or looking for a potential friend with benefits, it’s time for you to speak up. Quiet mouthed don’t get fed! Winter is slowly creeping up, we all want someone to cuddle up with in the sheets! It’s time to hit those streets and start flirting with some guys. If you’re shy or an introvert, take your time to make these moves. Here are some reasons why women should approach men!

It Shows That You’re Confident

Confidence is a MAJOR key when it comes to dating especially in this generations sketchy dating world. Approaching someone for anything can be nerve racking but you’ll feel great after you did it. It’s all about body language when it comes to shooting your shot with someone. Boost yourself up and just say hi to the guy! If you get rejected, it’s his loss and at least you won’t have to think about how you wished he talked to you! Just start a conversation and move from there, that person can become a potential friend or partner. You gotta speak up to get your way! This is a reason why women should approach men.

You Know What You Want

We’re told to pursue our dreams and goals! What’s wrong with pursuing the guy of your dreams. It’s time to take risk because being bold will make you stand out! If you’re nervous about sending that Tinder match a message, just send it! If the person fits you’re ultimate match whether it’s mentally and physically, just take the risk. It’s perfectly fine to know what you want, you’ll be determined to get the partner you desire!

You’re Breaking Sexist Dating Rules

It’s perfectly fine if you prefer to be approached by men. If you enjoy to break rules and try new things, approaching men will break a sexist dating rule. We’re often told that the man should be the one to chase you or make a move. Majority of the time guys are nervous to approach us. They fear of rejection or being embarrassed. If you believe in equality when it comes to dating, just walk up to a guy and get to know him. Approaching a guy or even asking him on a date is perfecting fine! This is a reason why women should approach men.

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You Will Feel Empowered

You’ll feel super badass because you took control of the conversation. Just being able to approach a guy at a party or event and conversing with them is bomb! Approaching a guy will not only boost your confidence but improve your communication skills!

Rejection Is Only Temporary

The worst thing that can happen is getting rejected or being told no. It’s expected to catch a few L’s in this game we call dating. Being hit with rejection is just means that person wasn’t meant for you. Be proud of yourself for stepping outside of the box and approaching a man. There’s always a good outcome after rejection. Don’t fear rejection or embarrassing yourself because they end up becoming dope stories for upcoming dates! Being rejected by a guy isn’t the end of the world. There are thousands of people in the world! We’re constantly meeting new people, there’s a chance you will meet the one! This is a reason why women should approach men!

Do you think women should approach men? Do you plan on approaching a guy? Comment below and share with fellow single ladies!
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