This Is The Definition Of ‘Good Sex’ For Each Zodiac Sign

Everyone is different when it comes to their definition of what good sex is. Some people love it when they can make love while others prefer hook-ups. Whether you like vanilla or something else this the definition of good sex for each zodiac sign.
You are the queen of putting yourself out into the unknown. You love to explore the things others would shy away from, and this mindset also extends to the bedroom. The definition of good sex for you is to have time to explore different sexual positions with your partner. Learning what they like, and what you like can help to make mediocre sex, mind blowing.
You can vibe with the whole tag team effort when it comes to sex. Its not only about one person’s pleasure when it comes to your intimate relationships, its either both of you or nothing. The definition of good sex for you is to take that dynamic duo, and explore your lovers body. You want to know what makes them tick.
You love to display your many creative talents for all to see. The definition of good sex for you is to bring that creativity into your bedroom. Try opting for chocolate massages, or getting a syrup you wont feel bad about getting sticky for. These different options will help brighten up the relationship.
You love an intense session when it comes to your intimate partnerships. The definition of good sex for you is more on the rough side. You love it when your partner can act dominate with you. However, you like to switch up the game sometimes and take on the leadership role in bed.
You love to let your freak flag fly freely! You also love being open to all possibilities, and that includes the bedroom. Embrace the inner kinky side of yourself with bringing in toys to play with. Not only will it bring fun into your sexual adventures, but it’ll allow you to test your comfort levels with each toy you try out.
You’re a risk taker and love to test your limits. The definition of good sex for you is to be with a partner who is also a risk taker. You need someone who doesn’t just do vanilla, but is ready to release their inner freak too.
You love connecting with nature and understanding what it means to live. The definition for good sex for you is to have someone who is down to connect with mother nature too. You two might even find pleasure in conducting your fun session outdoors.
You love stability and building a lasting relationship. The definition of good sex for you is to have sex with someone you know. This can be someone you’ve been dating or even someone you feel close with. You don’t like random hookups, instead you would rather transcend to that intimate level with someone who won’t be leaving first thing in the morning.
You’re a born performer and you love being the center of attention. Good sex for you is for someone to adore the show you are about to give them for the night. You bask in the compliments of a job well done, but also know the favor will be repaid in full later.
You’re an innovator and someone who leads the pack. Good sex for you is when you’re in complete control. You’re a dominatrix at heart, and can’t help but to feel good when your partner trusts you enough to do the job right.
You’re always making sure that others are being cared for as best as you can. The definition of good sex to you is when you get to show your partner exactly how much you love them. However big your heart is though don’t forget to take care of your needs too.
You’re an artistic person who loves to create things with their hands. The definition of sex for you is when you get to express your skills. Try body painting each other, not only is it fun but its sexy too.