This Clear Camping Tent Will Blow Your Mind

by leahsoboroff
September 22, 2017

Not much of a camper? You hundo percent will be after this! Check out the benefits of this magical clear camping tent. Lemme break it down for you the best way I can:
The best part of camping is sleeping under:
But your view generally looks like this (at best):
Unless you’re sleeping next to (which is still pretty epic):
But you’ll most likely retreat back to the tent because you are:
Or you have visitors along the lines of this:
But here’s something that can completely solve these problems and it looks like this:
Your clear camping tent solves all these problems. There will be no more of this:
Or this:
Or this:
In the winter you’ve got yourself a seriously epic snow globe clear camping tent! It’s even suitable for -25 degrees celcius; that’s -13 degrees Fahrenheit (you’re welcome).
If you want to go camping on the beach, feel free to do so cause it’s also H2O-proof:
So say goodbye to moments like this:
And get camping in your clear camping tent!
Let us know what you think about this epic clear camping tent! Drop us a line!!
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Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!