Thirsty Thursday: Lemon Drop

Happy Thursday! We hope it’s extra thirsty today. It’s that time of the semester when you’re so close to being done, yet it feels so far away. You still have a few papers, many pages to read, and oh yeah… finals. But, don’t worry. We’ve got a simple drink recipe that will have you forgetting all about that stuff tonight. May I present the Lemon Drop. Super easy, super cheap – THE DRINK, not you (unless you lose control and have too many, that’s not what I’m encouraging here).
- 1 oz Citrus-Flavored Vodka (Smirnoff citrus, Absolut citron)
- 1 oz Lemon Juice – Does your dining hall have lemons?
- 1 tsp Sugar – You’re dining hall definitely has sugar
You can make a shot out of this, or add some soda water, Mountain Dew, or even Sprite with it to ease the sweetness and make a full drink. Just had a straw and some ice, and you’re good to go.
recipe from here
Amanda is a graduate of Emerson College with a degree in Journalism.