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So You’re Thinking Of Going Vegan? Follow These Tips

So You’re Thinking Of Going Vegan? Follow These Tips

If you are thinking of going vegan check out these tips to help you make the transition! Although it's a big switch, these tips will help you through!

Making a big change to your diet can be difficult. Cutting out your favorite foods or not quite understanding which foods fit into which categories can be confusing. Choosing to go vegan is a big step that requires a bit of research and preparation. If you are seriously thinking of going vegan, here are a few things to consider.

1) Start Slow

If you decide to go vegan tomorrow, don’t immediately cut everything out of you diet at once. For some people, quitting cold turkey will only mean cheating in a dark kitchen at one in the morning. So slowly start cutting certain foods from your diet. Try going dairy-free your first week, then start making yourself meat-free dinners and work from there. Slowly dipping your toes into a vegan diet won’t feel so overwhelming. Starting slow is extremely important when thinking of going vegan!

2) Do Some Pre-Planning

Cutting certain foods from your diet will leave some empty space in your fridge and you don’t want to resort to junk food to satisfy your hunger. Plan out your meals for the week so that you have some pre-portioned and pre-planned food. You won’t be tempted to snack on chips or fall back on your new diet plan.


3) Know Where to Find Your Nutrients

One big question people will ask you when you decide to go vegan is “where do you get your protein?” or “what about calcium?”. These are all valid and important questions, as you don’t want to deprive yourself of all the necessary and vital nutrients. Foods like almonds and spinach are filled with protein and calcium can be found broccoli and squash. This is super important when thinking of going vegan!

4) Find Inspiration Online

If you aren’t totally sure what kind of meals to make yourself on a vegan diet, the internet is filled with genius ideas. Pinterest and Google are your friends and there are so many blogs where people want to share their ideas and journeys. Find some yummy ideas and get inspired! This is a really good idea if you’re thinking of going vegan!

5) Have a Support System

Starting a vegan lifestyle can be hard, but having someone with you along for the journey can make things a bit easier. See if a friend or a family member would want to go vegan as well. Having someone along for the ride means having someone to talk to and support you in your decision. This is really important when you’re thinking of going vegan!

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6) Have the Necessary Vitamins and Supplements

Sometimes you can’t fit all your necessary nutrients into your daily diet and it is important to make sure you get them. Having some B12, Vitamin D and Essential Fatty Acids should also be in your daily diet should you decide to go vegan. If you’re thinking of going vegan, this is so important!

7) Know Why You are Doing It

Deciding to go vegan is a big step, knowing why you are choosing to take this step is just as important as following through with it. Some people opt out of having meat and dairy for ethical reasons. They believe that it is cruel to purchase and eat these foods. Some just don’t feel that is is healthy for them.  Many people are eager to cut dairy and meat from their diets as it helps them to feel better. Either way, everyone has their own story and their own reason for making this decision. Knowing why you are making this decision will help you envision this journey clearly and inspire you to keep going.


Do you have any other tips for people thinking of going vegan? Let us know in the comments below!

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