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8 Things Your Need To Keep Next To Your Bed At All Times

8 Things Your Need To Keep Next To Your Bed At All Times

Your bed is one of the most personal places you’ll ever be. It’s where you spend ⅓ of your life, so it should be treated with some importance. With that in mind, what you keep next to your bed matters a whole lot, cause you never know what you’ll need when you’re catching some z’s. Here are eight things you should keep next to your bed at all times so that every night sleep is a dream come true!

1. Phone Charger

This one is almost a given. We’ve all laid awake at 2 a.m. scrolling away on our phones, and gotten that notification that the battery is almost dead. Instead of having to get up and go all the way across your room to get your charger, keep it plugged into the nearest outlet. That way you can leave your phone fully charged and go to sleep without worry.

2. Laptop

What good night’s rest is complete without of binge-watching session beforehand? Keeping your laptop near your bed with easy access will come in handy when you want to catch up on the latest season, do some late night internet surfing, or when you remember that assignment due at midnight.


3. Water

It’s 2019, and we out here drinking water. It’s easy to forget that water is one of those things we need to survive, so it’s important to stay hydrated at all times, especially bed time. So keep a cup of water next to your bed for the morning or if you wake up in the middle of the night. But don’t drink too much, or else you’ll have to change the sheets…


4. Glasses

For the bifocal-wearing readers, this should be a given. We’ve all heard something go bump in the night, and felt that little tinge of fear when it’s not clear whether or not there’s a monster in the room. That fear is worse is you don’t have your glasses handy to clarify your vision. Keep them in a case next to your bed for ease and clarity.

5. Dream Book

Whether or not you believe in the significance of dreams, it can be fruitful to write them down. We forget as much as 95 percent of our dreams shortly after waking up. Writing them down as soon as you wake up will help you keep track of all your nighttime visions, so keeping a dream book next to your bed is a good idea.

6. Notebook

On a similar note, keep a notebook nearby while you rest to keep track of anything that comes to mind. Maybe you get an idea for a school project that you know you are going to forget by morning. Maybe you have a million dollar idea for an invention that the world must know about. Whatever it is, it’s worth writing down.

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7. A Good Book

If you’re tired of being online before bed, why not disconnect a bit with some nice reading material. Reading before bed has also been proven to help people fall asleep, so if you’re in desperate need of a good night’s rest, grab whatever book you’re on and take it to bed with you.


8. Intimate Essentials

And of course, what bedside checklist would be complete without some much needed essentials. Maybe you had a lucky night out and you need some protection readily available. Maybe you didn’t get so lucky and need a way to spend the night alone. Whatever the case may be and whatever your preferences are, it’s important to keep your adult items next to your bed for safe keeping, and next to your bed in case the moment strikes.

What do YOU keep next to your bed? Let us know in the comments below!

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