15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At University of Iowa

Let’s face it, college students are crazy busy. Before you know it you’ve got 2 papers due Friday, 3 lab reports due by Sunday, and 3 Dance Marathon meetings over the next two days. Being a college student is really time-consuming, and you feel like you don’t have time for anything. While grades are your number should be your one priority, it is so crucial that you have some fun being a college student while you can. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but nothing is truer than the fact that college goes by incredibly fast, so get out there and make the best of it. I’m here to give you 15 things you’ll regret not doing at University of Iowa, so drop that textbook and get out there and have some fun being a Hawkeye!
1. Going to a Football Game at Kinnick Stadium
You’re in your black and gold overalls, surrounded by 70,000 of your friends. Back in Black starts roaring through Kinnick Stadium as the Iowa Hawkeye Football team comes walking out of the tunnel. It’s Saturday, and it’s game day baby.
Iowa fans pride is unbeatable and their passion is undeniable. There’s nothing quite like Hawkeye Football, and you do not want to miss out.
2. Going to an Event at Hancher
If you’re feeling more sophisticated, put on that fancy dress in the back of your closet and those strappy heels you’ve been dying to wear, grab your closest girlfriends, and go over to the gorgeous new Hancher auditorium.
Catch the Broadway hit musical Mama Mia, or the ever so classic The Sound of Music. And gentleman, this is a great opportunity to ask that cute girl from Algebra class out that you’ve been dying to talk to all semester.
3. Studying on the Pentacrest
Once the brutal winter that felt like it was never going to end is finally over, all you want to do is go outside and enjoy the beautiful. You wonder how you’re ever going be able to go outside with all the homework you have, but then you remember you have 30 pages of that book you have to read for Rhetoric homework so you head over to the pentacrest.
If it’s a warm and sunny day on campus you can almost guarantee there will be people lounging on the pentacrest. It’s a great way to get your studying done while getting a tan for Spring Break. Am I right ladies?
4. Getting Coffee from The Java House
If you know you’re going to be studying all Saturday afternoon, but want a different environment to study in than the library stop in The Java House.
You can catch up on your studies while enjoying a latte and a scone that are both delicious and insta worthy.
5. Using the Rec Center
Feeling tired after studying and going to classes all morning? Stop by the rec center to take a quick Zumba class to rejuvenate yourself.
After your class, make sure to stop by the Power Café for a delicious and refreshing smoothie to reward yourself.
6. Going to the Job and Internship Fair
Everyone is telling you to go to the Job and Internship fair, and you’re thinking you don’t need to go since you’re only a freshman and don’t need a job or an internship.
Networking with those companies as a freshman does actually impress those recruiters, and they will remember you when you’re a senior and actually need a job, so go! You’ll thank me later.
7. Going to Marco’s Grilled Cheese Stand 10 p.m.
It’s 10 p.m. and you’re leaving the bar with your friends, what the first thing that hits you? You’re starving.
You’ve got the case of the munchies, so you head over Marco’s for a killer grilled cheese.
8. Trying Sushi Downtown
Believe it or not, Iowa City has really good sushi.
Treat yourself to some Formosa or Takanami on a weekday for half-price sushi.
9. Studying in the Library at Art Building West
Take a blue or red route over to art building west on a day you don’t have a lot to do to study for a bit.
Sit at a table in the library facing the pond and experience a totally different side of a typical academic building.
10. Rubbing the Brain Statue before an Exam
Have a big test coming up? Don’t forget to rub the famous brain statue outside of the Pomerantz center for good luck.
The brain is said to give you good luck, so go rub it!
11. Going Apple Picking at Wilson’s Apple Orchard
Craving a good ‘ol warm apple cider donut? Wilson’s Apple Orchard is only a short drive away, and a super fun event to do with your sorority sisters!
Pick apples, drink cider and warm up with apple cider donuts.
12. Getting Breakfast at Bluebird Diner
Getting up breakfast might seem like the last thing you want to do on a Sunday morning after a long night, but Bluebird Diner is one of the best breakfast food you’ll ever have.
Bluebird Diner is a typical small Iowa diner with a couple of tables and booths, with killer pancakes guaranteed not to disappoint.
13. Go to Office Hours
Professors might seem really intimating in the classroom, but they’re really friendly in office hours and they want to help you.
Whether you’re struggling in your statistics class or want some help on your Literature paper go to your professors and/or TA’s office hours. They are there to help you, and they want to help you. You might even get tips on how to well in their class that you wouldn’t normally get during lecture!
14. Getting a Molly’s Cupcake Downtown
Molly’s cupcake is right across from the pentacrest in a cute little shop.
Try a Molly’s cupcake while playing an old fashioned board game. Even go back to your childhood and sit on a swing as you enjoy your cupcake. It’s a delicious, fun and cheap stress relief!
15. Watching the Sunset on the Old Capital Steps
There’s nothing quite like watching a good sunset on the steps of the old capital.
Many people have walked the steps of the old capital, and there’s been a lot of memories made there, so get out there and make your own.