15 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Monmouth University

College is said to be the best four years of your life, so make the most of it! Trust me, you don’t want to look back in 20 years and regret not taking advantage of all the opportunities you had to make your college experience the best it can be. Keep reading for 15 things you’ll regret not doing at Monmouth University!
1. Going to sporting events.
No matter what the sport, attending a game is an experience you don’t want to miss. Here at Monmouth, student admission is free, so why not go? Not to mention, who wouldn’t want to see our men’s basketball team make it to March Madness this year?
2. Greek Life
Joining a sorority or a fraternity is a must do when in college. While not only allowing you to be involved around campus in activities such as volunteer work and community service, it gives you the chance to meet new friends that will one day become your second family. With 7 sororities and 5 fraternities, Monmouth has a ton of opportunities to become a brother or sister.
3. Dorming
Being one of the key differences between high school and college, living in a dorm is a new and exciting experience. Dorming gives you opportunity to be independent, meet new people and to develop close friendships with them that you otherwise wouldn’t get from commuting.
4. Studying Abroad!
Being able to study in another country is an incredible once in a lifetime experience. With participating countries such as Italy, Australia, Spain and England, you are free to explore and discover new cultures while getting a great education at the same time. If spending an entire semester away from home is too long, Monmouth offers week long trips during winter and spring breaks as well.
5. Community Service
Whether it be raising money for a charity, or planting flowers in the MU garden, getting involved around campus is a great way to be an active member of the community. Monmouth has plenty of volunteer events that will make you feel good and help others at the same time.
6. Going to the gym!
Everybody wants that perfect summer body, but it’s not always easy to get. Taking advantage of having a free gym in college is a great way to stay in shape. Being that Monmouth’s gym is within walking distance, there’s no reason not to go. After all, it’s the perfect way to beat the freshman 15.
7. Playing a sport.
No matter what the level, playing a sport in college is a good way to de-stress and just have fun. Although Monmouth is a D1 school, there are still opportunities to be involved for those of us who aren’t the most athletic. Club and intermural sports are less competitive yet still provide the same experience.
8. Joining a club you’re interested in.
College is the perfect time to try new things and joining a club is a great way to do so. The dozens of clubs at Monmouth allow you to explore your interests, partake in fun activities and meet likeminded people. Important skills such as leadership and teamwork result from club activities which can be useful for the future.
9. Getting a job!
Working in college is a great experience that will greatly benefit you in the long run. It teaches time management and responsibility, which are both valuable skills needed in life. Monmouth’s Federal Work Study program allows you to pick from hundreds of jobs, both on and off campus. Besides, who doesn’t like to have extra spending money?
10. Tutoring Services
It’s not always easy to get that 4.0 GPA, especially in college. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of extra help sessions and tutoring. Getting extra help will ensure you get the grade you want and help you to not fall behind in any class. All of the services available at Monmouth are free, so why not take advantage while you have the chance?
11. Taking more pictures.
Taking pictures is an easy, yet effective way to capture your full college experience. Yeah, you’ll always have memories of what it was like, but nothing beats looking at pictures or even videos to remind you of your “glory days.”
12. Taking a class outside your comfort zone.
Choosing a class outside of your comfort zone is something that every college student should try. It not only gives you the opportunity to learn something new, but also to discover new-found interests or passions. Who knows, you might end up hating it but at least you can say you tried.
13. Declaring a minor and/or double major.
Adding a minor or even double majoring sounds difficult to manage, but in reality, the pros outweigh the cons. It’ll set your resume apart from others and can potentially be the determining factor to your dream job. Not to mention, it pushes you to be the best academically and that’s something to look back on and be proud of.
14. Being social!
Being friendly and outgoing is a guaranteed way to meet new people, and college is the perfect time to do that. Being social helps to make your college experience so much more memorable and even fun. You don’t want to look back one and day and regret all the missed chances you had to make friends.
15. Going out and having fun!
Yes, studying is essential in college, but having fun is also just as important. Whether it be partying or going to Inkwell at 1 a.m, enjoying yourself and having fun will help make your college experience much more memorable.
What are some other things you’ll regret not doing at Monmouth University that you’ve noticed so far? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: monmouthdphie.dphieconnect.org and thekortneyrosefoundation.org
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