29 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At CSUN

Don’t let college fly by, there are so many things you’ll regret not doing at CSUN! Get out there and try new things, don’t be afraid to meet new people and make the first move. Keep reading so you don’t have any regrets while you’re at CSUN!
1. Not going to office hours.
Many CSUN students work part-time jobs, take up internships every semester, and have rents to pay—on top of going to classes and trying to complete Moodle assignments! Attempting to juggle these obligations is definitely tough and can take a toll on your grades, which is exactly why going to office hours is so crucial!
2. Taking advantage of the freebies.
CSUN is always treating their students with great freebies. Go to the USU for free food (every Thursdays, starting at 12pm) and fun activities to get your mind off of midterms and finals! Don’t let the food go to waste!
3. Not making the first move!
I know it may sound intimidating, but as the infamous Drake stated, “you only live once”. Have you been feeling sexual tension between that cute guy/ girl in your PSY150 class? Are things getting steamy while your professor is lecturing on about Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis? Take the plunge and go for it! Y.O.L.O!
4. Taking classes that interest you.
There’s nothing worse than taking up a class because you had to for the credits (that’s so high school). You pay for your tuition, so make sure that the money isn’t going to waste on uninteresting classes but rather invigorating and interesting ones!
5. Being a part of Greek life.
CSUN is very much known for it’s Greek life! It’s basically a home-away-from-home for those non-commuters. Joining a sorority or fraternity is a great way to meet new people and make new friends! Every chapter is unique so you’re bound to find a home that’s perfect for you.
6. Not using the SRC.
Using the machines in the SRC (located in the USU) is completely free for all CSUN students, so take that advantage! All you need to do is sign up and you’re all set. Summer body-here we come!
7. Meet the clubs!
Every semester we have another event called Meet the Clubs where all of CSUN’s 300 or so clubs, including fraternities and sororities set their up tables to attract the interests of students. Whether you’re a Marketing major, into anime, Hip-Hop dancing, the Greek system, community service, or all of the above, there’s a club for you. It’s a great way to network, make friends, and have some fun, so check out this event and meet people people with similar interests.
8. Putting yourself out there.
Not participating in class discussions or being the one to introduce yourself in front of some classmates will really make your time in class difficult (and make it feel a lot longer). Put yourself out there so people will be familiar with you!
9. Dorming/ living-on-campus.
Dorming life may not seem like all that, but I know many people who enjoyed their time in the dorms at CSUN. As a commuter myself, I feel like I missed out on the college experience a bit by not dorming. I didn’t get to make friends with my hall mates, experience homesickness, and let the Freshman15 get to me!
10. Studying abroad.
CSUN has an amazing study abroad program! You are able to travel pretty much anywhere you want and pay the same tuition you would normally, but you’re just in a completely different environment. Studying abroad opens up doors to a whole new world full of experience, great food, and amazing people.
11. Not having enough school spirit.
Tuesdays are Matador Tuesdays, but you don’t only have to rock red and white in the middle of the week. Show your school spirit any day! Another way to show your school spirit is to attend our basketball games or soccer tournaments with a group of friends!
12. Going to parties.
Sometimes you just need to relax from the reading of textbooks and studying for that next exam and enjoy quality time with your friends! There’s almost one or two CSUN parties every weekend so there’s no reason for you to not go to at least one every semester!
13. Speaking of parties..
If you live near the school or in the dorms, there is usually, always, most likely, definitely a party going on during the weekends, (Thursday-Saturday). Whether it’s a low key frat party luring in the women and contemplating letting the guys in, and praying they don’t get shut down again, or a house or dorm party, they can get pretty great. CSUN students know how to party, SOMETIMES. If it’s good, it’s great, but there are the occasional parties where things get too crazy and then you dip for your own safety or the DJ is just not doing their job. But if you get the chance and you’re interested, check one out! Whether you like to socialize, blaze, drink, dance, or all of those things, it’s such a great way to blow off steam.
14. Keeping in contact with the friends you made in previous classes.
I know, we all have our priorities and move onto bigger and better things, but try to not lose contact of those people you’ve become close with last semester! They’re most likely waiting for you to hit them up on campus!
15. Exploring The Valley.
Don’t cut your college experience short by only going to school, home/dorm, and back! Actually explore The Valley and you never know! You may find your new favorite Mexican restaurant in Van Nuys or a new trail near the hills of the luxurious city of Calabasas!
16. Studying more!
This may seem like a no-brainer, but CSUN takes academics very seriously so it’s so important to keep up the GPA and focus on those upper division core classes so you can 1) graduate faster and 2) enjoy yourself more!
17. Visit the Duck Pond/Orange Groves.
Technically it should be the duck, turtle, and fish pond with oranges around it since this gorgeous little garden is a habitat for all of those animals. Surrounding this chill little spot is the Orange Grove if you’re in the mood for something sweet. Go check it out if you feel like studying or need a nice escape from all that is stressing you out.
18. Take a gym class.
You know that massive building known as the SRC that you may longingly look at but never enter? Well you’re actually paying for it and it’s not that scary. Whatever your interests are whether it be boxing, rock climbing, ballet, or zumba, the gym has it, and so much more! I’ve loved all the classes I’ve taken at this place which include ballet, boxing, belly dance, and yoga. The great thing about it is that even if you don’t even know what those things are, it’s always for beginners and the teachers are very encouraging and helpful. Not to mention its fun as hell and you have a professional helping you do something you may have always wanted to try but were too broke to try it. Just check out this website to get signed up.
19. Go to Sierra Tower’s roof.
Have you noticed how gorgeous CSUN is? Well if you agree, imagine the view from the top of a building. If you go into Sierra Tower and take the elevator all the way up you can reach the roof and just chill up there. Whether you need a chill study spot or some alone time with your partner, it’s pretty exhilarating looking down at everything. Not recommended if you have a fear of heights.
20. Visit campus late at night.
Whether you’re walking/ stumbling/ skating back from a late-night party nearby, or you live in the dorms, walk through the campus. There is something so serene about seeing it so late when all the noise and motion is gone. It really gives you a chance to admire it in all its massive glory.
21. Matador Nights all night long.
If house parties aren’t your thing there’s always a free concert/festival. Every semester CSUN has an amazing themed event called Matador Nights that is free to all CSUN students. They always have a DJ who plays hip hop, EDM, and pop and turns the USU into a huge dance floor. They also have themed food and a series of games and a ferris wheel. I’ve gone every year and have loved it every time so don’t miss out on this huge party that goes until 1am.
22. Big show for all.
Big Show is another one of CSUN’s big events that they hold once a year around October. They’ve had artists Iamsu!, DJ Carnage, Tink, Borns, Tyga, Louis The Child, Diplo,Big Sean, and more perform here. The tickets are available to CSUN students or anyone else who wants to join. It’s a huge concert right here with a number of food trucks and free snacks available for attendees. It’s a super fun concert that includes different artists but it is mostly for hip hop heads, so if that’s you, come experience it!
23. Le VPAC
This recently renovated concert hall has hosted artists like Luis Coronel, the Maria Schneider Orchestra, and other performers. Tickets are discounted for students and it provides you with a chance to get fancy and sit and enjoy whatever music you like right here at your own school.
24. The lovely Oasis
This newly erected building provides massages, a zen garden, nap pods, classical music, and is practically your personal sleeping ground. If you need a quiet, relaxing place to study, or somewhere to pass out before, after, or instead of class, check out this chill place. Also worth mentioning that they have brand new gender neutral bathrooms for a more inclusive environment.
25. Thursday music/free food day!
On Thursday afternoons in the USU, there are a series of activities, free food, and musical performers. It’s a fun filled year-long event that allows you to learn more about our school and gives you some nourishment and entertainment during your free time.
26. Games room, not just for gamers.
If you’re into pool, singing, or comedy check this joint out. It’s right across from the SRC and hosts comedy shows, themed Karaoke nights, and parties for clubs if you rent it out.
27. Farmer’s Market, a tasty trip.
Every Tuesday a variety of vendors selling anything from soap and jewelry to tamales, waffles, fresh produce, and drinks. They have delicious food of all types and cool knick knacks so you should definitely swing by on Tuesday mornings. It goes until 2pm.
28. Workshops for the big scary world.
Need help with your resume? Concerned about finding a job? Need advice for interviews? Typically it is the Career Center that hosts these kinds of workshops to help students out, and help they do. They’re free and occur throughout the semester so look into them because they will be helpful when you graduate or whenever you need that sort of assistance.
29. Lastly, enrich your minds with panels/discussions.
Every now and then CSUN hosts authors, social activists, or professors to speak about a variety of things. These events are typically free and a great opportunity to hear professionals speak out about various issues and learn more about what you’re interested in. They have had actress Viola Davis come to speak, panelists from the Black Lives Matter organization, and more.
What’s on your list of things you’ll regret not doing at CSUN? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: instagram.com and favim.com
Alexandra Smith is majoring in Psychology, with a minor in Creative Writing. In her free time, she enjoys running, hanging out with family friends, and roaming the world with her camera in hand.