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9 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Live in Voigt Hall At Ohio University

9 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Live in Voigt Hall At Ohio University

Standing in its white column, vintage glory, Voigt Hall at Ohio University has been hOUme to many lady Bobcats. Unless you spent some of your undergrad time in this all-girls residence hall, though, you just won’t understand the beauty that is Voigt. And the drama. Can’t forget the drama.

1. Your hallmates seem to have a sixth sense that tingles whenever you bring your S.O. over.

Every time your man friend stops into to your dorm, your hall mates will be sure to poke their heads out their doors and make trips to the communal bathroom.

2. The location will save your life.

5 minutes away from Voigt Hall at Ohio University  is just about every academic building you’ll need during your freshman and sophomore years.


Bonus: Court Street is also just a short walk away.



3. Hall activities are legit!

Saturday morning cartoons, craft nights, pizza parties, movie marathons… Voigt is where it’s at when it comes to events.

4. Pshhh. That so called “No boys can spend the night” rule.

RA’s had no power here. Girls would sneak their man-friends around the place… and even let them use the women’s restroom on each floor (never mind that that’s a felony).


5. Irma likes to pull pranks.

If you didn’t already know, a few of Ohio University’s residence halls are supposedly haunted and Voigt is one of them…

6. It’s a hike to get to any dining hall.

15 minutes to Boyd, 15 minutes to Shively, 20 or more to Nelson… Court Street food was always so tempting to avoid the walk over to the dining hall on lazy days.



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7. Tampons. Tampons everywhere.

The shower stalls in Voigt were often cluttered with empty shampoo bottles, razors, and used tampons. Shower flip flops were a definite necessity while living in Voigt.



8. People assume two things about the Voigt crowd.

“Where are you staying?”

“Oh, I’m over in Voigt.”

*Silently wonders if you were home schooled or if you’re a lesbian.*


9. Ugh. All the nicknames.

Two words: “vagina vault.”

What is your favorite part about living in Voigt Hall at Ohio University? Comment below and share the article!
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