10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Communication Major

“So basically you just go around in an event and talk with people?” is probablyr the question that every communication major heard before. Some people might say that you’re choosing an easy path to go, but only you know the truth. Here are some things that only communication major understand
Communication Major Equals Writing, Writing All The Time
Being in a communication major means you have to start to write from your very first semester until your last one. From writing essays, report about some campaigns, self-report, to evaluation paper, you have to do it all day all night. Our beloved professors will surely assign you some paper not only as an assignment but also as a class activity. So get your pen and laptop ready.
Communication Students Can Be Mistaken As A Bookworm
Because you need to write a lot, what you need to do is researching, I mean, a lot of researching, every week. So sometimes people will misidentify you as a bookworm. I bet most of your time at uni is at the library with a pile of books wishing that you can just find the information that you need in just one paper flip. You will get used to Google Scholar way more before your friends know as you need academic sources for your paper.
Why We Have To Analyze Everything
This is probably the question you have to ask yourself so many times when working on your assignments. You basically need to analyze hundreds of campaigns before you can finally graduate from uni.
You Wish You Don’t Have To Give Your Opinion
They make us watch some advertising or TV series series sometimes just to ask for our opinion. But seriously, sometimes you don’t know what you just watch.
Teamwork Can Be A Sweet Dream Or A Nightmare. It Depends On Your Luck.
Teamwork in communication major is almost like a compulsory so you have to pray for working with responsible teammates at every beginning of the semester.
When It Comes To Presentation
Let’s face it! When choosing communication major, you all know that you need to do the presentation, right? But you never expected this much presentation. No matter how extrovert, outgoing or confident you are, presentation always seems so frightening, isn’t it? We have to present in almost every class and it’s just so tired.
Everybody Seems To Be So Fabulous And Work Ready. Except You.
Unlike fashion student’s fabulous, the fabulous of communication students is different. When you walk into your class and look around, you feel like everybody here looks like they just walk out from some agencies. Not mentioning when it comes to class discussion, you feel extremely small at certain time, aren’t you?
You Are Confused ABout Your Career Path At Some Point But It’s Okay
Being in a communication major, you know you will have a wide range of job choices, from working in PR, advertising, media to marketing. But somehow, you still feel extremely lost when your family or friends ask you what you want to do after graduating. But guess what! You know that you will have varying job options out there, so you just chill out and enjoy the moment right away.
But Moreover, You Feel Lucky When You Don’t Have To Deal With All Numbers Like Your Friends In Other Majors
Looking at your friends struggling with math, physics, and chemistry, you feel so lucky that you weren’t born with the gift of being good at numbers. While they still need to take an exam you probably already finished your last report and get ready for the semester break.