5 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Live In Travers And Wolfe At TCNJ

Every residence hall is different and has its own personality. All of the little quirks add up and make living in a dorm an essential part of the college experience. Keep reading for 5 things you’ll only understand if you lived in Travers and Wolfe at TCNJ!
1. The elevators are your worst nightmare.
“The Towers” are two of the oldest buildings on campus, and so naturally there are bound to be a few bumps in the road when living there for two semesters. The elevators are NO exception! At least 1 of the 3 is broken all of the time! Oh, and here’s a role of thumb for all students living below the fifth floor: if you take the elevator down to the lobby, expect dirty looks from the students who live on the tenth floor. There are also going to be those super annoying people who press the button for EVERY FLOOR and you end up stuck in there forever! Honestly, you might as well just take the stairs!
2. The murals on your hallway make you question life itself.
What makes the towers so unique is the amazing personality that each floor holds. Travers and Wolfe at TCNJ has the tradition of each floor each year painting a mural that represents the people on your floor as a whole. So, of course, there are bound to be some VERY strange murals that you walk passed on your way to take a shower and you never understand what they’re supposed to be. But don’t worry, these super weird walls grow on you and you’ll be happy to see them every day!
3. Hotspots are the perfect solution to the wifi problem.
It’s basically common knowledge that the towers do not have wifi. So, laptop “hot spots” are everyone’s best friend! Everyone mooches off of each other’s internet connections in no time at all. After all, sharing is caring!
4. Cuddling with fans is to be expected.
It is always so HOT for the first few weeks, especially if you live towards the top of the towers. Within just a few short weeks, it won’t be unusual to walk into the room next door and find your friend taking a nap while cuddling her fan! Your fans will become a way of life soon enough!
5. Trying to do laundry turns into a 12-mile hike EVERY TIME.
If you live on an odd-numbered floor in Travers and Wolfe at TCNJ…congratulations! This means that you have quite a bit of a head start when it comes to laundry. Each odd floor has a laundry room, and so it’s super simple to walk down the hallway and see if any of the washing machines are taken. For those who are living on an even-numbered floor, getting a washing machine is basically trying to win the Hunger Games. Living in the towers is the ONLY place where you’ll work up a sweat walking up and down flights on steps just trying to find an empty dryer!
What is your favorite thing about living in Travers and Wolfe at TCNJ? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: bgottlob.github.io and nj.com

Cassie is currently a sophomore at The College of New Jersey and is studying English Secondary Education with a minor in Psychology. She is a sister of Kappa Delta sorority and is very involved in Student Government. She loves writing in her free time and enjoys writing for Society 19.