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10 Things You’ll Never Forget Growing Up In Stockton

10 Things You’ll Never Forget Growing Up In Stockton

If you spent your life growing up in Stockton then there are going to be things that you just never will forget. We've made a list of some!

Growing up in Stockton can be a unique experience. Living in the San Joaquin Valley, you’re used to not seeing very much precipitation outside of rainfall. You’re also used to there being crime in your neighborhood. We’ve compiled a list of ten things you’ll never forget if you grew up in Stockton.

1. That one time you witnessed snow in Stockton

It usually doesn’t snow in Stockton. However, once in a great while, the clouds above will released frozen water drops onto the city. It usually melts not long after it hits the ground, but it truly is an exciting sight to see, as it doesn’t happen very often.

2. Riding on the Pixie Queen at Pixie Woods

The train and boat ride were always the best part of visiting Pixie Woods while growing up in Stockton. The thing that will always stick in my mind from riding the boat ride was the smell of gasoline, especially if you sat near the back of the boat. Ah, yes. The smell I remember well.


3. Birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese

A lot of kids growing up in Stockton probably had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese at some point or at the very least, attended a birthday party there. The ball pit was always a fun time, even if it was filled with gross kid germs and the pizza was always the tastiest.

4. Playing on the playground at Sandman Park

The playground at Sandman Park was the funnest while growing up in Stockton. The slides were so fun to slide down and the swings were a blast, as well. Oh, to be young again. Playing in the sand was always a great way to pass the time, as well.

5. School dances

Middle and high school dances in Stockton were quite the social gatherings. It’s where everyone from the popular crowd would go to hang out and dance with their boyfriends or crushes. There was always at least one person who flat out did not know how to dance, which always made for one hilarious night.


6. Unhealthy school lunches

Let’s be honest, the lunches at the public schools in Stockton were not the healthiest. They often served hamburgers and pizza, with no options for healthy meals like salads. Oh and let’s not forget the soda machines around campus in high school. Drink water, kids!

7. Picnics at Victory Park

Chances are that if you grew up in Stockton, you attended at least one family and friends picnic gathering at Victoriy Park. It’s a spacious and pretty area, so picnics there are fairly popular. Who’s bringing the cupcakes at the next gathering?

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8. Trips out of town to see concerts

Let’s be real; not a lot of artists make stops in Stockton, California on their tours. They usually hit up the surrounding areas like Sacramento, San Francisco or Mountain View. Teenage concert goers from Stockton will always remember the trips out of town to see their favorite band or pop star. Britney Spears fans, I’m talking to you.

9. The occasional event at the Stockton Arena

Remember that time a major radio station hosted a Jingle Ball in Stockton? Yeah, that one time. OneRepublic performed there just after “Apologize” became a smash hit. Avril Lavigne also made an appearance. Recently, the Dancing with the Stars tour stopped there. Yeah, once in a great while some big names perform there, but they are few and far in between.

10. Trips to the movies with friends

Because there is not much to do in Stockton, trips to the movie theater are often how friends in Stockton spent their time. Lodi actually got a new theater before Stockton did, which for a while made a lot of people in Stockton travel all that way just to see a film in a brand new facility. Stockton eventually followed suit with a brand spanking new theater of its own, though.

Can you relate to these ten things you’ll never forget about growing up in Stockton? What are your Stockton memories? Let us know in the comments!
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