Ah, New Year’s! The one night of the year where it is not only socially acceptably to get rip-roaring drunk and make out with a total stranger, but society practically demands it of you. I’ll admit, I too enjoy throwing on my “freakum dress” and toasting as the ball drops at midnight on January 1st, but some years staying in can be just as good a celebration as going out. Here are 15 things I’d rather be doing than going out on New Year’s!
Uber surge? No thanks, I’m good right here.
All that elasticity makes for much comfier couch-lounging. Not to mention, it’s more forgiving of your newly acquired holiday bod after consuming one-too-many Christmas cookies (you’ll start working out again tomorrow).
There’s a time and a place for that, but it’s not at the start of a new year.
…whilst petting your dog and eating delicious takeout!
Except then it bums you out because Big is spending New Year’s Eve alone.
And you’ll cry into your champagne as you scroll through friends’ social media feeds prompting you to question your decision to stay in.
Because you made the responsible—albeit “boring”—choice to stay in rather than going out on New Year’s.
You’ll drift away as the melody of “Auld Lang Syne” washes over you.
As long as you don’t fall asleep before midnight!
Who says staying in means you have to stay indoors?
Looking forward is more fun than looking back, anyway.
Either way, when you wake up in the morning it will be a new year, but this way you won’t have to start it with massive dark circles under your eyes.
Since when has hanging out with your dog ever NOT been a good idea?
That way you both have a happy new year!
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