10 Things You Will Miss When You Leave for College

Leaving for college is undoubtedly something to be excited about. It isn’t until move-in that we think about all the things we will miss. Here’s a list of things you will miss when you leave for college. I know I did when I started at Rutgers University.
1. Your significant other.
Let’s face it, whether you break up before parting ways or you choose to have a long-distance relationship, the fact of the matter is tough. You’ll either wonder how they’re doing at school or on the other end you’ll be craving a hug after a stressful day of classes. It’s definitely one of those things you will miss when you leave for college no matter which route you go, but sometimes either option proves rewarding in the end.
2. Alone time especially after a tough day.
Roommates can be fun. I used to always get bored when I was by myself, but there are a lot of things I never realized I’d prefer to do alone. Being at a large school like Rutgers makes it especially tough because no matter what hour it is or where you are, you’re more likely than not to be accompanied. Let’s not forget the nights where you feel the need to cry or are sick of listening to everything through headphones!
3. Your family and friends.
Although living away from your parents can be liberating, some people are best friends with their parents. Parents are a hard things you will miss when you leave for college, and it becomes harder on birthdays, sick days, or when you just wish you could walk home to them asking how school went. The same goes for your siblings or hometown friends. The people you grew up sharing secrets and cracking jokes with are now miles away and that is a tough adjustment. Don’t worry though, that makes winter break all the more exciting!
4. Your own, clean bathroom.
If your dorm has private bathrooms, consider yourself blessed. Communal bathrooms are not something to look forward to when you start college. The showers in my residence hall are small and always covered in someone else’s hair or bath products. Believe me, you will miss doing your business in private.
5. Your cute and cuddly pets!
I still get sad every time I have to say bye to my cat, Huey, and I only live an hour away. No matter how much he bites or scratches me, I still miss being able to hug or play with him everyday. Your pet is undoubtedly one of those things you will miss when you leave for college.
6. Being able to drive anywhere.
Every time I come home, the first thing I do is find an excuse to drive. The feeling of going 70 mph down the highway is simultaneously relaxing and invigorating. Being enclosed on a campus also makes you miss the ability to get around to places that are farther than 5 miles away. Enjoy this freedom while it lasts, and if you bring your car to school make sure you take advantage of it!
7. Someone to clean after you.
For a lot of people, college is the first time they start to clean their own rooms, wash their own dishes, or do their own laundry. Most people are fine with this after a while, but my boyfriend’s room right now would suggest otherwise.
8. Your home town in general.
Your school could be in a location with a totally different climate or environment. City children in small towns definitely miss the city, while Southerners up North must miss the warmth.
9. The work load being significantly less and easier.
I will admit I was surprised by the increase of workload from my last semester of high school to my first semester of college. I can’t emphasize enough how much effort it will take to stay on top of your course load and understand the material! Not only are there a lot of assignments, but there comes the added extras: clubs, jobs, going out, and more. Make sure you prioritize school before everything or you will regret the entire semester once your GPA comes out.
10. Last, but not least, the food!
Despite living near a relatively good dining hall, I miss my mom’s home cooked meals. Additionally, some types of food just aren’t good anywhere else. I’d also like to shout out Randolph, New Jersey for two of the best bagel shops in the entire United States. No bagel will ever beat a bagel from my hometown.
There are a lot of things you will miss while you’re away at college, but it’s totally worth the new things you will grow to miss when you leave to go back home. Explore your campus and make new friends to help with the home sickness!
Can you think of any more things you will miss when you leave for college? Let us know down below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com
Hi I'm Asli! I am a new writer, a Jersey gal, and a Rutgers student hoping to major in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. There are a list of things I enjoy, but I'll just leave it and this and say I hope you enjoy my articles.