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6 Things You Will Instantly Regret Doing On Spring Break

6 Things You Will Instantly Regret Doing On Spring Break

You want to look back at your spring break pictures and not think about the bad times you wished went differently.. so take my advice and listen to what you will instantly regret doing on spring break.

Combining tequila shots and a beach might sound like the perfect combination until you find yourself waking up in some rando’s bed or realizing your top has been off the entire time you’ve been dancing. Ladies – the number one thing you should pack for spring break is your good decision making (and of course your favorite bikini). You want to look back at your spring break pictures and not think about the bad times you wished went differently.. so take my advice and listen to what you will instantly regret doing on spring break.

1. Getting crabs.. and not the kind that you find on the sand.

You may get caught up in the moment, especially while on vacation somewhere, but always remember to carry protection on you so you don’t end up regretting it later on. Don’t walk the boardwalk of shame in your flip-flops, ladies.


2. Getting a tattoo.

The last thing you want is to look in a mirror and see a smiley face or your ex’s name tatted on your butt. Do yourself a favor and wait until after spring break to get inked.

3. Taking your top off.

I’m all for free the nip but not when brad and all of his frat buddies are staring and snapping the moment. If you don’t want to see your two girls all over snapchat then do yourself a favor and cover up.

4. Getting arrested/breaking the law.

Having fun is definitely a priority for being on spring break but if you’re calling your parents to bail you out in the middle of Texas then you may have pushed the limit.

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5. Doing drugs.

Getting caught up in the moment is what everyone wants to do during Spring break but don’t feel pressured to do anything especially with a lot of people you don’t even know.

6. Spending all of your money.

Don’t buy five t-shirts and key chains saying where you’ve been or tons of overpriced drinks that you down in 10 seconds. Bring enough money and come up with a plan on how to spend it so you’re not debating on becoming a stripper in the middle of Daytona.

Is there anything you regret doing on Spring Break? Share your experiences below!
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