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10 Things You Want Your Mom To Know

10 Things You Want Your Mom To Know

Mothers are our saving grace and while sometimes daughters may not communicate their love clearly, it’s always there. Here are a few things you want your mom to know.

Little do they know, but mothers are absolutely incredible. They are our saving grace and while sometimes daughters may not communicate their love clearly, it’s always there. It’s extremely easy to get caught up in growing up and only focusing on ourselves. However, we have to remember that while we are just starting to live life, our parents are soon coming to the end of theirs. So here are a few things you want your mom to know:

 1. We forget to thank you but we are thankful.

Seriously, daughters can act like real brats sometimes but we are always thankful for everything you have given us.

2. We can do a lot of things but not everything.

Yes, we will help you with technology, but, no, we don’t know how to fix your phone button that got stuck in a cord inside your phone.


3. You are a role model.

Every little girl wants to be like her mother and trust me that doesn’t stop when we get older. We just don’t show it as much and it’s one of those things you want your mom to know.

4. Trust us.

I know that it’s your responsibility to worry but you have trust that we learned what you have taught us.

5. We trust you more than we trust dad.

Okay, this isn’t for everything, but sometimes what we tell you is not something you can go tell dad.


6. We need you.

When all goes wrong in life, you are the rock for your daughter, please, be there.

7. You always knew our real friends before we did.

This is one of those things you want your mom to know that was never easy to once admit. You told me which of my friends were crazy and which were incredible even before I properly met them. By the way, they think you are the greatest mom!

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Growing up you may have thought that these things were normal, but after learning what other people's families were like you soon realized that was not the case. No matter how Irish you are you will understand and definitely relate to pretty much all of these signs that you, in fact, grew up in a big Irish family. 


8. You are a cool mom.

Don’t worry, you may embarrass us sometimes, but you are the coolest mom.

9. You are our best friend.

Daughters may spend more time with their other friends but you are the one we come home to and the one that we trust with our lives.

10. We do love you.

It’s a fact and it’s the most important of all the things you want your mom to know.

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