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10 Things You Understand If You’re Single On Valentine’s Day

10 Things You Understand If You’re Single On Valentine’s Day

Don't feel down about being single on Valentine's Day. Instead, bust a laugh at these 10 things you understand if you’re single on valentine’s day.

Single on valentines day? Don’t worry we get it. That’s why we created this list of 10 things you understand if you’re single on valentine’s day.

1. It feels like another normal day to you

Its just another normal day in the week for you, as everyone else starts to mini panic about gifts and what they should do that night. Instead of stressing you go about your day thankful you don’t have to worry about that. Also being single on valentine’s day means you get to spend that money on yourself.

2. The only person hitting up your phone is your mom

Slowly, you realize while all your friends are getting hit up by their boos your phone remains dry. When it does ring, its just your mom reminding you on Facebook that she loves you. When she asks if your single on valentine’s day, quickly switch gears and talk about that family vacation she wants to take.

3. Deciding to take yourself out to dinner, relaizing there are only couples there

You start to think maybe taking yourself out on a date could be nice. Getting dressed up, you plan on hitting that new noodle place you heard about from a classmate. However, once you get there you realize everyone else must have gotten the memo because its over crowded with couples.

4. Then decide that ordering pizza might be the best move

Heading home you hit up that Domino’s coupon thats been hiding in your junk draw since forever. Once, delivered you can smell the gooey rich flavor thats about to make your tummy super happy. Plus you get to eat in your pajamas so whose the real winner here?

5. When your friends try to set you up on a blind date, “so you can all be happy”

Since all of your friends are taken, that means they want to go out on group dates. They start asking you whats your type, favorite things to do, and slowly you start to understand whats happening. They want to set you up so your not the fifth wheel anymore. High key your panicking, low key you try to think of an excuse to not go.

6. Seeing your social media blow up with pictures of couples

Waking up on the fourteenth is the worst, especially when all of Instagram is over taken by couples. Seeing that one post about the girls whose boyfriend gave her a million roses, makes you want to vomit.

7. Getting started on that glass of wine (or four depending on how the night goes)

Is it too early for wine? Said no one ever, and its true wine makes everything okay again. Who cares if your two cups deep, and slowly start to cry because of your single status.

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8. Feeling lonely

The cry intensifies into an all out ugly cry, as you replay lonely by Akon. Once the tears have dried you start looking at your phone hoping your gal pals don’t have any plans.

9. Making plans with your other single friends

Hitting up the girl squad makes you feel better once they race over with more wine, and ice cream. Together you guys eat junk food, catch up, and talk about how many different things you can do not being tied down. Being single on valentine’s day doesn’t have to be lonely!

10. Having an amazing date night with those friends, and forgetting the stupid holiday

The night fixes your heartbreak, and you realize you don’t need a significant other to be happy. You’ve got friends, and family who love you, and get you even when your really weird. Forget being single on valentine’s day and continue slaying girl!

Don’t cry into that wine bottle. Instead have a laugh at these 10 things you understand if you’re single on valentine’s day.
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