7 Things You Should NEVER Post On Social Media About Your Relationship

There are things you should never post on social media; remember when Kim Kardashian got robbed in Paris after showing off her huge 20 carat ring on social media that Kanye West gave her? I love Kim, but that was a huge social media no-no. You may not have crown sized jewels to show off on social media, but there are even more simple ways to put yourself, your S.O. and your relationship in harms way when you post about these 7 things. Here are the things you should never post on social media.
1) Airing your dirty laundry for everyone to read and see.
This is probably one of the most important things you should never post about your relationship on social media. Every relationship has drama and those details should be kept between you and your significant other, and offline in general. The truth is no one really wants to hear about how much you are annoyed with him (or her), and you don’t want to give anyone the pleasure of enjoying the fact that you are living in misery. Also, you never know what bridges you may burn when you bad mouth your other half online. Share personal relationship drama with people you know you can trust and can offer some real help, and privacy. This is a given when it comes to things you should never post on social media.
2) What happens in between the sheets.
Back in high school, showing extreme PDA on campus was a huge no-no. Not to mention you’d get sent home or to detention for getting caught. It’s not any different on Instagram. People still don’t want to see you shoving your tongue down your man’s throat on their Instagram feed. Isn’t it more enjoyable when it’s a private affair that only you can enjoy, anyway? That’s kind of the point right? Trust me, there are other ways to show off your happiness, and online PDA isn’t the way. Also, you wouldn’t want your future boss, spouse, or child to see anything that you should only be able to see in your mind.
3) Lavish gifts and how much that was spent on them.
It is super tacky to tell people how much you or your S.O. dropped on that shiny new ring, or that holiday trip you are so excited about. Most people can determine that some serious coin was spent just by looking at the details in the photo. We all know red bottoms are expensive and that flying to Hawaii costs a pretty penny (for most of us). You don’t need to ensure that people have the exact dollar amount. Also, you never know who is watching you and your valuables. Just ask your girl Kim Kardashian.
4) Things your significant other feels insecure about.
If your S.O. feels insecure about something pertaining to themselves, never post about it on social media. No matter how crazy it is. There’s a fine line between enabling someones negative self-esteem and helping someone slowly gain confidence. Walk that line carefully. If you are unsure wether your other half will mind you posting that sneaky pic (or secret habit they have), just ask for permission. Or don’t post it. Social media is never fun when others are being put in an uncomfortable position.
5) Photos or captions about how hot they are.
There’s really no problem that your #MCE or #WCE is your significant other. If you don’t feel attracted to your S.O. then there is definitely a problem. However, your sister-in-law may not want to see their brother half naked with you ranting about how sexy they are. It’s just weird. Consider the people on your friends list and who might not want to know how sexy their brother or coworker is. Just saying.
6) Personal struggles that you have both experienced together.
Keep this to a minimum. Even if you went from renting a closet together in NYC to buying your first real home in the burbs. Share the basics but never create an image of the wealth you have acquired over time or reveal weaknesses in your relationship. This is a critical area of your relationship you should never post about on social media. This can all be used against you by people who are jealous, hurt, or plain crazy. You never know who’s out there seeking revenge or who wants to bring you down. Again, this is one of those things you should never post on social media that’s a given.
7) Screenshots of private texts or DM’s between you and your boo.
If your S.O. wanted the world to see the messages they sent you, they wouldn’t have sent it via text or DM. A relationship is special because of the intimate knowledge and experiences between two people, right? What happens when the entire world can experience those things, too? Don’t let too many people in. It might become crowded. This is one of the biggest things you should never post on social media!
Let us know what you think about things you should never post on social media in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi everyone! My name is Ana and I am from Oakland, California. I received a B.A. in Communication with Honors from California State University, East Bay in 2016. While I was at student there, I wrote for the University Newspaper and managed Social Media accounts for the Public Relations Student Society. After graduating, I briefly worked in the tech industry as a Sales Manager until I realized that I was happier doing creative things. Currently, I am a Social Media and Digital Marketing Manager full-time and a Content Writer on the side. In my free time, I'm most likely in San Francisco taking pictures and enjoying the diverse culture, chatting about beauty and career with friends, or on an outdoor adventure!