10 Things You Should Know Before Going Through Sorority Rush

For many girls, going through rush can be an extremely nerve-wracking experience as it is unlike anything you have ever faced before. I remember the unshakable butterflies I had in my stomach leading up to the beginning of rush. Since I was the first in my family to go greek, I had no one giving me advice or explaining the process which left me feeling a little lost. Fast forward two years to where we are now, going greek was the best choice I could’ve made. I have formed friendships that will last a lifetime and grown so much as an individual. With all of that being said, if you are finding yourself in the same shoes I was in two years ago, or if you are simply looking to prepare yourself better, here are 10 tips I have for you before you begin sorority rush.
1. Be yourself!
I can not stress this enough! Be yourself and don’t try to be anyone that you are not. Yes, it is important to put your best foot forward, but these are the girls that you will be living with for the next four years and forming friendships with. You should be authentic to who you are so you can find a group that meshes with your personality and interests. If you try being someone you’re not, you may end up in a house where you have nothing in common with the other girls. This is not meant to scare you, but it is a reality, so it is important to remember to remain genuine throughout the process.
2. Dress to impress
Take some time to pick out the cutest outfits you can. Whether this means doing a little online shopping or simply shopping around in your own closet, it is important to plan out what you are going to wear beforehand. Trust me, when you have to wake up at 6 a.m. to get ready for an 8 a.m. round, you are not going to want to have to think about what you should wear. Additionally, going off the previous point, you should dress how you want to dress, not how you think you should dress. Create outfits according to your own style to showcase your individuality. Make sure to add some cute accessories and really complete the look you are going for. Lastly, get your nails done beforehand or do them yourself. This is a minor detail but it’ll make you look more put together. Here are some outfit ideas to get you started
3. Don’t be late!
Being late can really cause some problems. If you miss a round there is no way to go back and re-do that round so you must drop recruitment altogether. Yes, there are certain circumstances that allow for a round to be missed, but this is pretty rare. I recommend wearing a watch of some variety. If an Apple Watch is prohibited, and that is the only type of watch you own, make sure you are checking the time on your phone frequently. This is super important to remember during sorority rush.
4. Expect the cheering
Not going to lie, the cheering by the girls in the houses can sometimes be crazy. I remember it was the first round on the first day and I was standing in line waiting for the round to begin and I literally jumped because I was so shocked. Honestly, you will get used to it after a couple of rounds, but just be aware.
5. Bring a change of shoes
This is so important especially if your campus is big. Bring a comfortable pair of shoes to change in to. I recommend flip flops or Birkenstocks. You will be walking a lot, and trust me, in the later rounds when you are wearing wedges and heels, you are going to want a change of shoes.
6. Snacks
Do it and thank me later. Recruitment days are very long days. You will probably be waking up early in the morning and not going to bed until late at night. Yes, there is a lunch break as well as a few snack rounds where houses will provide you with something to eat but it is difficult to talk and adequately fill your stomach so you will find that you don’t really get that much from those rounds. This is why a granola bar, RXBRAR, or a little pack of trail mix is vital to bring with you. This is especially important for the open house round as it tends to be and feel the longest.
7. Be respectful
You are not always going to love all the houses that you go to, but you have to remember to be respectful. The girls who are rushing you want to get to know you, so even if you don’t see yourself in that house, you should still be kind and engage in the conversation. Additionally, not to scare you but houses talk to each other. Being known as the PNM (potential new member) who was outright rude to other houses is not the reputation you want to have so just always remember to be gracious and respectful.
8. Ask questions
Asking questions is actually so important to the process and I wish I had known that when I was rushing. I remember being scared to ask questions because I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. However, the reality is that the girls rushing you want to hear your questions and concerns so they can make you feel more comfortable during the process. Additionally, by asking questions to the girls recruiting you, you are able to get to know them better. Knowing their interests and interacting with their personalities, allows you to be able to make a better judgment on if this house the right fit for you or not.
9. Smile!
As cliché as this sounds, smiling is very important. Even if you are exhausted and would rather be anywhere else than entering yet another house, a smile goes a long way. Everyone is exhausted by the later rounds so there is no need to make it any more difficult than it already is. Don’t forget the girls recruiting you were up at the same time as you so they are just as tired! A simple smile and a show of enthusiasm can boost everyone’s spirits.
10. Enjoy the process
As grueling as it is, try to enjoy the recruitment process. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet new people. Specifically, if your school has rush in the fall like mine did, this is such a great way to put yourself out there. While you are waiting in line for the next round to start, talk to other PNMs and get to know them better! Not only could these girls be your sisters in the future but you will likely see them on campus or at greek life events.