10 Things You Should Include In Your Morning Routine

Your morning routine should be appreciated and respected, because it sets the tone for the rest of your day. One of the best things I’ve done, not only for my mental health but also my productivity, is establish a good morning routine that works for me. Having a set plan and rhythm when I wake up allows me some peace before the workday begins, and helps me set a good mindset for that day. These are the things I think everyone should include in their morning routine.
1. Make your bed.
Like your mother told you to every day growing up! I don’t know about you, but my day cannot start until I make my bed. I couldn’t tell you why, that’s just how I am. So of course making my bed is the first thing I do in my morning routine. It also means I can’t crawl back under the covers once I’m up. A bed that’s made up is much less enticing! Since I’m also working from home, and my desk is in my room, it keeps my mind at ease to have a clean and tidy space to work in.
2. Take your vitamins or medicine.
As someone with terrible allergies, I’ve included this step in my morning routine to make sure I don’t suffer the rest of the day. I also take some vitamins for my immune health, and apple cider vinegar gummies to help with bloating. Whatever you take, if anything, make sure it’s part of your morning routine so you don’t accidentally forget something important. But if you take allergy medicine and it makes you drowsy, it’s probably best to switch that to your nighttime routine!
3. Take care of your skin.
I start every morning by applying lotion to my face that has a built-in SPF. It’s really important to take care of your skin, no matter how old you are. As twenty somethings we may not think skincare is all that important, but your older self will thank you if you at least put sunscreen on, on the daily. It’s also especially nice in the winter to make sure your skin is properly moisturized and not suffering from the dry winter air.
4. Brew a coffee or a tea.
This is obviously my favorite part of my morning routine! I’m an avid coffee drinker, and love to start the day with a cuppa joe or a shot of espresso, depending on my mood. If you like tea better, more power to you. Whatever your poison, it’s nice to start slow in the morning and take the time to make a hot drink (or cold in the summer) and sit and enjoy it before the work day begins. I like to brew my coffee then start my journaling.
5. Journal for a few minutes, or longer.
Journaling has become an integral part of my morning routine. I recently learned about morning pages from reading the book The Artist’s Way. The ideas is to write three pages of free write every morning, just to get all the random thoughts out of your head and onto the page. This practice has led me to be a lot more productive! I also really enjoy the benefits of practicing gratitude, so I begin each morning by also writing down at least three things I’m grateful for. It really helps me get into the mindset of “I get to” and not “I have to” to carry me through the day in a better state of mind.
6. Move if that feels good.
Depending on the day, I like to incorporate yoga or a walk into my morning routine. Sometimes working out in the morning is the best thing you can do for yourself because it really gets the juices flowing, and you can work out any frustrations or anxiety before you even sit down to do your work or studies. I find that when I work out in the morning, I’m much more zen the rest of the day and things don’t bother me as much as they normally would. Plus the fact that I should still workout isn’t in the back of my mind all day!
7. Make yourself a to-do list of non-negotiables for the day.
Aside from journaling, the practice of making a to-do list during my morning routine allows me to be focused and productive on what I really need to get done the rest of the day. Instead of making an extensive or overwhelmingly long list, I just include the items that have to get done. It helps me stay focused and doesn’t give me anxiety. Then, the satisfaction of crossing things off as the day goes on keeps me motivated.
8. Eat breakfast.
The next few items on the list might seem obvious, but sometimes they get left out of the morning routine when you’re working from home and don’t have to physically leave to get started on work. The beauty of being at home so much because of the pandemic is that my schedule doesn’t really force my eating habits. I tend to eat breakfast once I’m hungry for it, which isn’t always right when I wake up. Nevertheless, it’s really important to eat breakfast to give you energy for the day, so don’t skip out on this part of your morning routine!
9. Brush your teeth.
To be honest, working from home has caused me to forget to brush my teeth in the morning more than I’d care to admit. That’s why I’m including it in this list of morning routine tips. I like to wait until after I finish my coffee to brush my teeth, but I know some people like to do it right when they wake up. Whatever floats your boat, just make sure you brush your teeth for your own health and hygiene. Why not add floss and mouthwash to the routine too?
10. Get dressed.
Another silly one, maybe, but when we’re all staying home a little more it’s sometimes tempting to stay in pajamas all day. I’m a firm believer that you’ll be more productive if you’re dressed in normal clothes and not loungewear. If you are leaving the house for work or school, then getting dressed should definitely be an essential part of your morning routine, haha!
I hope these tips for your morning routine are helpful! Share this article with your friends and family so they can start their day in a better way, too.
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1829656088811322/
Maggie is the blogger behind The Artful Everyday, a travel and lifestyle blog dedicated to living intentionally and finding beauty in the ordinary. She loves the idea that we get to escape our normal lives when we travel, and that it allows us to be more open to the world and its cultures. Maggie lived in Florence while studying abroad, then was an au pair in Rome last fall. She is very passionate about traveling in Europe, especially Italy, and living abroad. Maggie studied Interior Design at the University of Minnesota, but is currently pursuing a career in writing.