10 Things You Should Do Before Boarding Your Cruise

A cruise is a perfect getaway. Before boarding your cruise there are 10 things you should do. Thank me later.
1. Get Your Traveling Documents
It can take several weeks to get your passport. Most cruise lines require that you have your passport or won’t let you board. That will be a lot of time and money wasted if you don’t have the proper documentation to the board. On the cruises’ website, they have a section of the required documents to bring with you. Read it over. Then read it again just in case.
2. Head to The Departure Port Early
Don’t be late. The ship will leave whether you are on it or not. It’s best to arrive about 2 hours early on your ship. You will avoid rushing and forgetting important things. Traffic can be a stressful delay in getting to your departure port. Once you arrive at the port you will need to park your vehicle in the designated parking area. The earlier you arrive the better. If your able to arrive in the city where you will be departing a day in advance, you should.
3. Pre-Purchase Excursions
Being on the ship is fun but once you are docked at your destination you will want to get off the boat and explore. Depending on where you are traveling the view may be breathe taking or at least better than the 4 walls in your cabin. There are shore excursions that you can purchase in addition to your cruise. Booking ahead will save you time and money. It will also give you peace of mind, so you won’t have to worry about the excursion being sold out and you missing out on the fun. Excursions are fun. It is sometimes an option to book once your onboard but those sell out so quickly, so its best not to wait until the last minute. Before boarding your cruise book your excursion.
4. Grab a Few Dollar Bills
Before boarding your cruise, there will be porters around to help you with your luggage. They will help you label and tag your luggage and will then take your luggage to the loading carts. Although the help is free a little tip is a nice way to say thank you. Their job is not easy, but they do it with quickly and with a smile and it makes it easier for you board without carrying your luggage to the loading line. A few dollars will also come in handy if you want to get a little snack.
5. Update Your Phone’s Plan
Have you ever been hit with roaming charges? Everything you will do with your phone will be roaming pretty much. Well, that’s an exaggeration. But the internet or data usage in another country will cause your phone to roam. Be careful with roaming. The amount of money that these phone companies will charge you can be ridiculous. Sometimes it can be double or even triple to your monthly bill. Don’t let your upcoming phone bill be more than your cruise. Before boarding your cruise, contact your phone provider before your cruise departure date and let them know you will be traveling. Most companies have traveling packages you can add to your current phone service.
6. Pay Attention to the Time Zone
Before boarding your cruise, know the time and when it will change when you travel. This can prevent you from missing your cruise departure, showing up late to excursions and missing the best meal of the day, dinner. There’s no point in having an itinerary if you don’t arrive on time.
7. Check The weather
Weather can be unpredictable. Bring what you know the weather is going to be rather than what you want to be will help tremendously. When you are on a cruise it’s supposed to always be sunny and beautiful but as a caution, check the weather. It may be chilly at night. There might be a light drizzle in the morning. You would be miserable in shorts on the top deck of the ship when if you packed a hoodie and jeans you would be just fine. If it’s going to be sunny, make sure you pack your sunglasses.
8. Get an Emergency Contact
Cruises are supposed to be fun and enjoyable, but we have to think and be prepared for the bad situations that can occur. Better safe than sorry. You should have at least 1 emergency contact. Anytime you travel you should have an emergency contact, but you should have one especially for a cruise. Your emergency contact needs to be prepared to go straight to you and help. They will need the proper documents to travel, be updated on their vaccines, have funds, have the legal authority to speak on your behalf and know your itinerary. Make sure they actually want to be your emergency contact. This person has a huge responsibility so make sure you pick someone that is dependable. They may be your lifesaver.
9. Get Some Sleep
Before boarding your cruise, sleep. There’s going to be a lot going on and things to read and the correct places to be. Lack of sleep can hurt you. It can affect your ability to concentrate and retain information. That would be terrible when the crew members are giving you the directions to the muster station you would need to be in the event of an emergency. Lack of sleep can make you very irritable. Being on a cruise you are supposed to be relaxed and having a good time. When your irritable you don’t want to be around anybody, and nobody wants to be around you. Not the attitude for a cruise. So just get some sleep the night before. Plus there’s going to be a party. After the muster safety drill, there is a sail away party on the top deck. You will definitely need your energy for this party.
10. Charge Your Cellphone
Your phone will be your best friend before you board. it has several features that you can use, GPS, camera, and boarding pass. If you didn’t print out your boarding pass (and waste paper) and your phone died getting your boarding pass will be a hassle and unneeded stress. A cellphone can also be used for your personal security but is useless if your phone is not charged.