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Things You Should Buy As A New College Student

Things You Should Buy As A New College Student

As a new college student you may wonder what is it that you should bring to your new dorm to give it that homey feel. If you’re going to be staying on campus all four years there are some things to invest in, but you also don’t want to pay for overpriced items because at the end of the day you still are a college student who most likely doesn’t have a lot of funds. Don’t worry though, most of them items can be purchased over time, or can be within the budget of a college student.

Being a recent college, I used ton think some of the things listed below were completely unnecessary, but I learned later in my college life that it wasn’t and that it is important to make your college space as homey as possible.


Tapestries are wonderful to add to the walls of your dorm if you want to fill in space without having to buy a lot of wall art. With tapestries there is an array of different designs to match your room ranging from quotes, to indie inspired art, and they come in all sizes as well. The only thing is that depending on where you decide to go to school, certain tapestry sizes can be a big no-no with your RA because they can be a fire hazard. So it is best to check in with your school before getting a tapestry that can cover your entire wall.



If you are truly trying to turn your college dorm into a home make sure to get some plants. Flowers and plants are the house can really change the look of it almost immediately. Plants can become expensive, and may require a lot of maintenance for a college student, but there are some that you should add to dorms to give it some life. Plants like Aloe Vera, Monstera Deliciosa, Spider plants, and Peace Lily not only turn your dorm from a two to a 20, but it can also purify the air of your dorm.

Plants also tend to bring peace among your space. To some, being able to watch something grow, and being able to care for something other than yourself can bring peace and tranquility into your life, and this can be important to college students who are stressed due to school work.

Multi Plug Outlet

One thing about being a college student, you are going to need a lot plugs, and the best thing for that is a multi plug outlet that not only has a usb outlet on it, but also a usb-c outlet as well. This right here is going to be your holy grail!


As a recent college graduate, there was nothing more annoying than not having enough outlets in your room with everything already plugged in, and it is especially annoying to not have any outlet space if you currently share with a roommate. The point of the multi plug outlet is that you don’t have to worry about never not having space. When it comes to outlets, they are already limited with space due to some power blocks covering the entire surge.

Fairy Lights

Fairy lights are a must when being a college student. Most college dorms have bright fluorescent lights that no one wants to keep on all the time, but fairy lights give the best amount of light when you simply want to relax in your dorm, and they are good for decorations.

But like the tapestries, they may be in violation with your colleges code for fire hazards, so it is best to check in with your RA, or the head on housing on whether or not you are allowed to put them up.



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Shoe rack

There is nothing worse than coming back to your dorm after a long day and you find piles of shoes right at door, or you’re constantly tripping over them on a daily basis. If you’re like me who doesn’t like clutter or the thought of shoes walking throughout the house it is best to buy a shoe rack and put it at the front door. Shoe racks are great for college students because it helps with organizations and keeping things clean especially if your dorm is already on the smaller side.



Who doesn’t love a good rug? Rugs can be the anchor for any room no matter what it looks like, and can be the only type of decor necessary as well. With rugs you don’t need to buy an expensive one to make a room look put together. There are all types of rugs with different patterns, colors and shapes, so you can always find a rug for any type of room theme. The best thing about buying rugs as a college student is that you can buy a rug within your price range at stores like Walmart and Target, and for a good size as well.


An ottoman may be one of the best investments to get as a college student. Most college dorms have limited space, and being a college student you may need as much space as possible. The good thing about this is that they’re not as expensive as some may think. Depending on where you go, you may find some for $20. Ottomans are wonderful to get as a college student for the extra space, especially switching from fall semester to spring semester. Whatever clothes you aren’t wearing depending on the season you can just add them to the ottoman, or you can use it as storage for extra shoes, or blankets.

All in all, the best thing about being a college student is that you can switch things up however many times you like, and choose whatever you want for your space without any judgement because you’re the one coming back to it.


What are you going to bring to college? Or what does your dorm currently look like? Comment down below or send in pictures!