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12 Things You Only Understand If You’re From Steele, AL

12 Things You Only Understand If You’re From Steele, AL

If you come from the same small town as another, there's a lot you both would only understand. If you're from Steele, AL, read this article to relate.

If you come from the same small town as another, there’s a lot you both would only understand. If you’re from Steele, AL, read on to relate.

1. The only traffic light in town is the school zone light.

No kidding. We really don’t have a stop light, but that doesn’t mean that you can just roll through the stops. Seriously if you do, you will get pulled over.

2. A small police force doesn’t mean you can get away with anything.

Especially if you choose to rob the bank (twice).


3. If you don’t live in a small town then you won’t understand how everyone knows each other.

To the point that we can tell when a car doesn’t belong here, hence how they caught the bank robber.

4. There are a lot of family farms.

Most of them are related in some way, either by blood or by marriage.

5. You always know what’s going on and who is involved.

6. We take pride in our little community.

This includes banding together as a community to save our little school.

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7. The community 4th of July party counts as a social event.

8. In the south there is a church on every corner, in Steele there is a church next to the church on the corner.

9. Sitting on a front porch is a national past-time.

10. We leave someone’s house with the salutation of “Y’all go with us.”

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you actually got in the car with them.

11. If someone has a baby, chances are you know them, or went to school with a family member of theirs.

12. If your power goes off chances are half the town is out too…


If you want to raise a family in a wonderful community, Steele, AL is a great place to do it. It’s a great place to retire too, we love having new people come and love our little town as much as we do.

Let us know what you think about Steele, AL in the comments below!
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