City Life

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up in Pennsylvania

There’s a lot of things that only a true Pennsyltucky would know from growing up in this Keystone state. Here are 12 things you’ll only understand if, like me, you grew up in Pennsylvania;

1. Every time it rains you believe it’s going to flood.

2. You had the Monday after Thanksgiving off school for the first day of hunting season.

3. Lebanon bologna and Country Store meats were a staple of your diet growing up.

4. When someone asks you where you’re from, you cringe on the inside because you know they won’t know your town or any town near it.

5. So, when you do tell people where you’re from, you just say Williamsport, Harrisburg,  Scranton, or Altoona, hoping that maybe some people have heard of those places.

6. Sheetz will forever be better than Wawa.

7. Hershey’s Chocolate is the only chocolate.

8. People always try to tell you that you have an accent.

9. Going to the beach is a big deal, because the closest one is five hours away.

10. You don’t know patience until you have driven behind a tractor and not freaked out for it to move out of your way.

11. You hate out of state drivers.

12. You like to check the police reports in the local paper because you are sure to know someone listed.

Let us know in the comments if you grew up in Pennsylvania and what your favorite memories are!

Featured Image Source: Jeroen Bosman



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