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12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Mamaroneck NY

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Mamaroneck NY

There are just some things about certain places you will only understand if you grew up there. For instance, Mamaroneck NY. You'll only understand these 12 things if you grew up there.

There are just some things about certain places you will only understand if you grew up there. For instance, Mamaroneck NY. You’ll only understand these 12 things if you grew up there.

1. When you tell someone you’re from Mamaroneck NY….

Whenever you say you’re from Mamaroneck NY, people immediately ask about Sal’s Pizzeria, Walter’s Hot Dogs, or Anthony’s Deli. When they come to visit these are also the places that they’re most likely to want to go to eat. It’s something you get used to over time and it’s a fun experience.

2. Town lines.

The Village of Mamaroneck and Rye Neck are technically the same town, but the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont are both completely different and they come together to make 2 school districts. No one really understands it, and in the end it doesn’t matter because it’s simply one big close knit community.


3. Parks.

Harbor Island Park isn’t the only park in Mamaroneck, there’s actually a bunch, and they’re much less crowded! Florence park is big, and Warren Avenue, Flint, Columbus, Stanley Avenue, but the Harbor is where everyone thinks of, and at everyone has at least one amazing memory there if not many more.

4. Everything closes early.

Not many things in town are open after 10pm, and you come to realize this very quickly once you’re in high school and college. There’s (1) CVS, (1) Dunkin Donuts, Molly Spillanes, O’Neills Country Store, and at most a few other smaller watering holes.

5. You have “your” places.

You have your place for everything; despite the fact that there are many: banks, nail salons, pizzerias, CVS Pharmacy’s, Dunkin Donuts, Japanese and Chinese restaurants: you have the one that’s your favorite and somehow they all stay in business. It’s amazing how many of each of these places can stay alive in such a small town.


6. Town history.

There’s a ton of history in town and it’s a super close knit community!

7. “The Friendly Village.”

It’s hard to walk down the street an not run into someone you know. It’s known as “the friendly village” for a reason! But, you better make sure you leave the house in something you don’t mind being seen in.

8. The fire department.

The fire department is one of the few remaining 100% all volunteer departments, yet they still have many events throughout the year that wow the town.

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9. Fire department events.

People flock from all over the country for the annual fireman’s carnival and parade. In the past years there was even a fire truck from Texas! And the 4th of July Firework show at Harbor Island Park is one people set up hours in advance for just to find a spot on the grass!

10. Sports are a huge part of town.

There are tons of recreational teams that lead into intense high school competition. Rec teams are really the first set of interactions at the elementary level that students have with their peers from other elementary schools. Come High School time, Rye Neck has intensity in their football, and softball programs while Mamaroneck finds that in their Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, and Baseball programs.


11. The walls

Mamaroneck High School is something that’s developed over the years and there were places like “B-Wall” and “C-Wall” and well as many others and just by the location of the “wall” someone was at you could get a good idea about who they are as a person. This is starting to dissolve over time but is still an in depth part of the history of the school.

12. The creeks

There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting in a kayak right off of the beach and watching the sun rise or set after a nice paddle through the creeks!

What do you think of these 12 signs you grew up in Mamaroneck NY? Let us know in the comments below!

Photographs: All Rights Reserved to Carlin Katie Photography