Each town has it’s own unique aspects that you would only understand if you grew up there. Laguna Beach is no different. If you grew up in Laguna Beach, you’ll understand these 12 things.
1. Tuesday’s are not just another day of the week, but rather a national holiday, Taco Tuesday.
2. Your hobbies include sneaking into the Surf and Sand pool, and when approached by a pool attendant, you have spit out a random generic last name and room number to pretend you’re a guest.
3. Your teachers often use “gnarly” as an adjective in their normal vocabulary.
4. You leave for school in a parka and come home stripped down 3 layers to shorts and a tank when it gets 50 degrees warmer.
5. You’ve planned to wake up for a gorgeous sunrise, several times, but never actually could force yourself to get up that early.
6. You have almost killed yourself climbing over the rocks to get to the Secret Pools.
7. Stepping into the street at the Anita street crosswalk is a life or death scenario.
8. When you pass Mike The Greeter dancing on the corner of Cress street you always wave back.
9. The La Sirena $5 high school special is always your go to.
10. You only refer to Laguna Beach as “Laguna”.
11. You constantly complain about the 40 minute wait at Banzai Bowl but you still go at least once a week.
12. All in all, you know that you have been forever blessed to grow up in the most beautiful place in the US and you wouldn’t change your childhood for the world.
Do you relate to these things about growing up in Laguna Beach? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com