City Life

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Frisco, TX

If you grew up in Frisco, TX, this is the article for you. Read on to relate to the 12 things only people who grew up in Frisco, TX would understand.

1. There is no such thing as a speed limit once you hit the tollway or 121.

Even if you’re going the speed limit, that isn’t fast enough. Southern hospitality really doesn’t apply to our drivers.

2. The best memories can be made at Whataburger.

Particularly anytime past 11 p.m. Not to mention, you steal every number tent at Whataburger possible? Why? Because you can.

3. You know that “teacher work day” in fall is code for “go enjoy a day off at the Texas state fair.”

4. Everyone tweets to Pete Delkus when there is even a remote chance of snow.

Watch Tweets to Pete here.

5. You can pass a church, Chick-fil-A, Target, gas station, and vape store every mile you drive.

6. You know the bourbon chicken lady in the food court who hands out samples at the Stonebriar Mall.

7. Where Frisco moms in Facebook groups have no concept of google.

They love to complain about anything and everything.

8. Where the Frisco Football League (FFL) is more competitive than college football.

You are definitely behind in your athletic career if you didn’t start at the age of 3.

See Also

9. Everyone knows who the snow cone lady is.

10. Always driving through school zones.

With 10 high schools, 40 elementary schools, and 16 middle schools, you are always driving through a school zone. You definitely aren’t surprised that these numbers will change next school year.

11. Where you go to school with at least five aspiring SoundCloud rappers.

12. Where buying a cup for $11.99 is the best investment you could possibly make.

You are considered “crazy” if you don’t think the Sodapalooza cup is a big deal… Everyone gets one.

Share some others signs you grew up in Frisco, TX in the comments below!
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