12 Things You Only Understand Growing Up In Westlake Village

We live near the Kardashians, our bagels are the best, and we live in the bubble. There are just some things people who experienced growing up in Westlake Village that other people wouldn’t understand. Read on to learn the top 12 things only someone from Westlake Village would understand.
1. When people ask where you’re from…
You say “Westlake, near Los Angeles? Ugh do you know Calabasas, where the Kardashians live? Yeah, we are next to them.”
2. The “who has a nicer car” rivalry.
This is between the Westlake high school and Oaks Christian parking lots and it is REAL.
3. Running into every single person you know at Sea Casa…
And having to awkwardly just sit next to them for the duration of your whole lunch.
4. No one has better bagels than us.
East Coast bagels have better sandwiches and Western Bagel has better bagels and that is final.
5. Oaks Mall.
If you want to get hit on by a seventh grader wearing baggy jeans and on a skateboard, go to the Oaks Mall.
6. We get cold easily.
When it drops below 70 degrees, you go to school in 2 jackets, a beanie, Uggs and gloves.
7. Our typical days look like…
Going to school with kids who casually say things like, “I’ll drive my golf cart over to your house and then we can take the boat out for dinner on the lake sounds good?”
8. Being evacuated for a fire is a common occurrence.
9. Kellman.
If you ever set foot on the campus of Westlake High School, you would know that Kellman is the greatest man alive.
10. The hun to find Bieber’s house.
Trying to find Justin Bieber’s house when he “apparently” lived here.
11. “The bubble.”
Having everyone who lives in Westlake refer to it as “the bubble” and not denying it.
12. No place like Westlake Village.
Even though we may have traffic on every road, overpriced gas and not the friendliest of people, if you experienced growing up in Westlake Village, it will always and forever be the best place to call home