15 Things You Need For An MSU Tailgate

Part of attending a Big Ten school is getting to take part in the insane game day tailgates. There is nothing better than waking up before the sun is up, blasting music, and getting ready to tailgate with your friends. If you are a freshman at MSU you probably don’t know that there is an unwritten ~style guide~ for game day. Not saying you have to follow this at all (be yourself, you strong, independent, awesome, student, you) but I find it really fun to go all out on game day. Keep reading for things you need for an MSU tailgate!
First a general word of advice to all MSU tailgaters!
So I showed up to my first tailgate wearing a plain MSU sweatshirt and jeans and felt incredibly out of place. Here is a list of items you can buy ahead of time so that you can flaunt your Spartan Spirit to the max this football season. Oh, and get ready, Spartans really know how to tailgate!
1. Cheer skirts are really popular these days.
Whether you cheered under the Friday night lights in high school or not, cheer skirts are fair game for anyone to wear to tailgates. Pair it with a Spartan crop top or a bodysuit and get ready to dance your day away. Heck, throw some pigtails in your hair to perfect your playful vibe.
2. As are knee socks!
These are a total staple to have at MSU. Since it gets freaking cold pretty much as early as September, green and white knee socks allow Spartans to continue to wear summer clothes without looking too out of place. Try with a cute pair of Converse!
3. Over sized sweatshirts are always another favorite go-to.
Like I mentioned above, us Michiganders are not afraid of the cold. A light dusting of snow on the ground calls for an XL MSU sweatshirt worn with knee socks and winter boots. You can also throw on a cute winter hat for added warmth. Your thighs will be freezing, but the likes you will get on your Instagram post will be make it all worth it.
4. You will also see Michigan State face tattoos everywhere.
Every part of your body must show what team you are rooting for. This is where face tattoos come in. These come in different colors, sizes, and finishes (Some actually have green glitter on them) and can even be customized online. They’re a really fun way to accessorize on Game Day.
5. Yes, fanny packs are also extremely common at MSU tailgates!
I’m not really sure why these are a thing at MSU, but almost every girl walks around with one of these on Game day. They are actually super handy to store your phone, money, and snacks because who doesn’t want an animal cracker pick-me-up in the middle of a tailgate? Usually, people get custom fanny packs with their sorority on them; however, a plain green one works just as well.
6. How about a pair of Spartan overalls?
Welcome to the Big Ten where fanatics everywhere create a scene comparable to the most difficult game of Where’s Waldo. Wearing green and white overalls is actually a trend. It’s kind of weird, but honestly, when are you ever going to have these outrageous pants again?
7. You will need trendy (and inexpensive) sunglasses.
Reflective sunglasses are in style anyway, but make sure you get a cheap, cute pair that you don’t mind losing because I guarantee you WILL lose them. You will thank me when you don’t find your beloved Ray Bans broken in half on the floor of a frat house.
8. Obviously a pair of white Converse are important, too.
Because it is SUCH a good idea to wear white shoes to a muddy tailgate… I recommend buying a second pair and having designated party sneakers and a separate pair of immaculate, white converse you can wear to class, etc. It’s kind of ridiculous, but white does go with everything. And, I mean, Go Green, Go White, am I right?
9. Make sure you are sporting a fun hairstyle.
This is the key to having the perfect Insta game and standing out from all the rest. Everyone will look like a sea of green and white; however, throw in some pigtails, braids, or even corn rows (Live a little.), and you can be super cool and ~trendy~.
10. You will definitely want to get your own MSU jersey.
These are great to wear for any occasion. Gals or guys. You can have a basketball jersey for the warmer days and a hockey jersey for themed darties (Day Parties) in the middle of the tundra we call winter. You don’t officially attend MSU until you have a Spartan jersey.
11. A green flannel is something you will be able to wear over and over again.
Preserve that crop top and boyfriend jeans combo a little longer by throwing on a green flannel. You can tie it around your waist or simply throw it on last minute. Either way, you have to have one. Bonus points for you if you customize your own!
12. If you’re the type of person to pull off Timberland Boots, please do.
I actually worship people who can pull off the Timbs look. These are on the list because they look bad ass and they’re technically work boots so they are meant to get trashed. (In the mud. At a tailgate.) Make sure you let your green and white socks peak through, as well.
13. Make sure you or your friend has a Selfie Stick or Go Pro!
A large portion of your tailgate will be spent taking pictures. You will want pictures with everyone and everything you see. Also, you can use a Go Pro to make an epic tailgate video that may or may not go viral.
14. You will be thanking yourself later with this portable charger.
Now, this might be a little scary, but you will be at a new university that you are still unfamiliar with. If you get lost and your phone dies, you could have quite the stressful experience. Get in the habit of carrying some sort of portable charger around with you. It will also come in handy when you want to take more pictures or if your friends need to track you on Find My Friends.
15. Don’t forget: You will need money for tailgate food!
After tailgating all day, you will work up an enormous appetite. There are so many food options right on Grand River that you will need money for. Nothing cures the drunchies quite like visiting George at Cottage Inn Pizza. He might even make you do a little improv dancing for extra ranch.
Make sure you take a post-game power nap because Spartans rally after a win (and a loss).