10 Things You Must Pack for a Day At the Beach

Prepare for a fun and relaxing day at the beach. There are a few things you should remember to pack before heading to the beach, forgetting them will ruin your day at the beach.
1. Sunblock
This is obvious but sometimes even the most obvious of things are looked over. The sun is not your friend and will ruin your skin and your time at the beach. The sun will burn your poor skin into a crisp, you can end up with severe skin damage and sunburn. Even though you pack it make sure you reapply after a few hours of wearing it or bringing it was useless. Skin cancer is very serious so while having fun you should take every precaution to protect your skin. If you do forget to reapply or even to apply at all Aloe Vera will be something you will be applying. If you don’t get something as serious as skin cancer, the pain and redness will make you regret not putting on sunscreen. Protecting your skin is important but it is also important to protect the aquatic environment you will be swimming with. If you’re going to be getting into the water make sure you grab some reef-safe sunscreen. Regular sunscreen damages the aquatic environment and sometimes the damage is irreversible.
2. Water
A day at the beach is not complete without water. Some beaches sell water and other beverages but they are usually expensive. So, it’s best to bring your own to save your money and time. Make sure you bring, as well as drink, lots of water. Since your going to be outside with the burning hot sun make sure you intake more than your regular amount of water. To keep it cool you may want to bring an ice chest. An ice chest will help keep the sand off your water. If cool water is not a necessity to you then you don’t have to worry about packing the ice chest. The sun’s strong rays will dehydrate you and ruin your fun day at the beach.
3. Beach Umbrella or Canopy
This is one of the best ways to take a break from the sun’s rays. Shade and protection from the sun are key. Some beaches offer umbrellas to be rented. I think it’s best to bring your own because if the beach runs out of umbrellas you will be up a creek. Make sure to get a sturdy umbrella with anchors so that it won’t blow away with the wind. You’ve seen those people at the beach chasing their umbrella, let’s not have that be you, please.
Woman sitting on a beach under the shade of an umbrella.; Shutterstock ID 1188967784. Beach chairs
When you are ready to sit back and relax you will need something to sit on. Beach chairs are nice because you are not sitting on the grainy sand and are elevated. If you get a nice beach chair you will be able to sit back and take it all in. When you are not in your chair make sure to place something in your chair to weigh it down so that it doesn’t blow away or fold it up.
5. Baby powder and hand towel
A day at the beach can be ruined with sand. Thankfully this combination will remove sand. If you haven’t been to the beach just know that sand will be everywhere when you are ready to go. Your body will collect sand in places that you will not imagine. But let me tell you that it is very uncomfortable.
6. Change of clothes
After playing out in the water a fresh pair of clothes will make you feel comfortable. A change of clothes would save you from having wet bathing suits ruining the seats of your car. Trust me, being wet would be a terrible ride home. You would also want to pack a change of clothes because of the temperature. Usually, at night the temperature drops and a light hoodie with a pair of sweats would be perfect.
7. Bathing suit
Like I said the most obvious of things may be forgotten. This should be obvious or even something that you wear on your way to the beach, but I added it on this list just in case. This is the most seen outfits on the beach but some do rock a shirt and a pair of shorts. Do what you like just make sure pick something you will be comfortable and cute in.
8. Flip Flops or Mesh Slip On Shoes
Socks and shoes can put a hold on your fun. Imagine having a blast in the water and then getting the urge to have to go to the restroom. For the sake of my example, you get out of the water. You have to then dry your feet off and then put on your socks and then put on your shoes, hopefully, sand-free. Then when you finish in the restroom you have to remove your shoes and then your socks. All that just sounds so time-consuming. Don’t forget your flip flops or mesh shoes. They will save you time and allow you to return to your fun faster so that you can enjoy it longer.
9. Phone
Would you travel anywhere without this device? This is your GPS, social media outlet, call for help, light, and best of all your camera. Your friends and family on your social media deserve to see how cute you look in your bathing suit and also see how great of a time you are having. Don’t keep your phone in your vehicle because it can overheat and would then be useless. To keep your phone safe, keep in under your towel or place it in a Ziploc bag to protect it from the sand.
10. Sunglass
The sun is a giant ball of fire in the sky. The least you can do if your going to be out there with it is protect yourself. Sunglasses with UV protection would be best. Yes, sunglasses protect your eyes but they will also make you look fabulous. These sunglasses are going to be in your photos so make sure to pick a cute pair.