10 Things You MUST Do While In College

College may sound stressful, exciting, overwhelming, amazing and scary all at once. But that will be over after a few weeks, so you should start getting your college life together from the beginning. Were you too shy to play sports, make new friends or go out to parties in high school? Well, in college nothing is holding you back! You start from a blank slate. So, here are TEN things you MUST do in college.
1. Play sports!
This is a huge must, especially with the freshman 15 just around the corner. If you never played a sport during high school, it’s time to get on your feet and start jogging! Join an intramural sport, or if you’re a pro, join a varsity team. By playing sports you’ll meet new people and find out if you have a hidden talent or passion. Also, your body and your mind will thank you later!
2. Try out the food (and eat properly).
Besides playing sports, food is an important part of your life. Eat healthily, once again your body will thank you for it, but don’t forget to treat yourself every once in a while. If you have a meal plan, make the best out of it, especially if you are a Virginia Tech student. Food at VT is ranked #2 by College Niche. Bon appetit Hokies!
3. Travel!
Don’t stay in your dorm an entire spring break! If you have the money, you can either take a short trip with friends or visit friends from your past. Traveling is an enriching experience where you learn a lot about yourself and other places. If you have a group of friends, divide the fees and make your friendship stronger!
4. Meet new people!
It doesn’t matter if you’re going to study in or out of state, new connections make you grow and open your mind to new ideas. Don’t stay in your dorm the first weeks of class, go out, socialize, make friends, and have fun!
5. SAVE!
Independence goes hand in hand with responsibility. At first, managing your own money can be hard, and the temptation to spend it all on new clothes or fun gadgets will be there. However, there are some apps such as Money Manager that can help you manage your personal finances. Just think about this: The more you save, the more money you will have to plan your own vacations during breaks and the more money you will have once you get out of college.
6. Don’t forget about your loved ones…
Let’s be honest, by the end of your Senior year in high school you just want to leave home and be “independent.” Being independent doesn’t mean forgetting about your parents, family, and high school friends. Don’t lose connections with the people you love. Find time to talk to them during your day and at least once a week via Skype. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, make sure communication between you and your partner is constant and honest. Also, visit your parents and friends to show them you care and share a little moment of your amazing college year.
7. Study.
This one is quite obvious. If you want to get a degree, put some effort. Don’t slack, nobody likes lazy people.
8. Pamper yourself every once in a while.
So, you’re in 3 clubs, in a Living Learning Community, finding time to talk to your mom, and getting a degree. Sounds quite overwhelming. Take a few hours off, put your phone on airplane mode and find some time for yourself. Get your nails done, go out for a walk, dine at a good place, take a nap, and literally anything else that makes you take a break from your busy life is necessary to be emotionally stable. Don’t get too exhausted.
9. Learn about your university.
This is quite self-explanatory. Wherever you’re going, you need to have some school spirit. VT people, take a picture with your bestie, the Hokie bird. Research your school’s history and end up loving it. It might’ve not been your first choice, but it’s definitely where you are supposed to be, because everything happens for a reason. So, learn about your university and love everything you can about it!
10. Be YOU and have FUN!
Don’t try to impress people by being someone else. Stop worrying about what other’s think, leave that back in high school. By being your genuine self, you will make the best out of every opportunity. Don’t worry too much about everything, this tends to be an issue with our generation. Don’t worry too much about Instagram likes, about getting to a 4.0 GPA when you already have a 3.9; trust me, you will be much happier. Just have FUN! Enjoy every moment, 4 years can go by really quick so make the best out of it.
These are 10 things you absolutely MUST do while in college. Can you think of anything else? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: pinterest.com