There are many things you can learn at the University of Michigan: Political Science, Organic Chemistry, Nursing…yeah you get it. But that’s not what I’m here to write about. Once you get to U of M as a freshman, there are many things you learn outside of the classroom, but here is a list of 15 that were the most prominent for me.
Even if you don’t have tickets, the atmosphere on campus really projects that “enthusiasm unknown to mankind.” You’ll understand when you try to walk through that sea of all Maize everything on the streets of campus.
I don’t mean any kind of friend, I mean these squirrels are the closest thing (besides dogs on campus) to a man’s best friend. Trust me, try feeding one a Kit Kat sometime.
During the weekdays everything is wonderful, all the stations are open, and you won’t be able to decide. There are almost TOO many options. There are also special “theme nights” where the dining halls are transformed into Hogwarts, or a Winter Wonderland. However, once you get a couple months into the year, you’ll realize when Sunday comes you’ll probably have to fight off that Kappa Apple Pi frat brother for the last scoop of mac’n’cheese.
They will haunt your dreams, and you’ll probably experience 40 (okay for real, about 8-10) in the first week you’re there, no matter what dorm you live in. It will become the spectacle of Snapchat, and you’ll laugh at the neighboring dorm for having to wake up at 3 AM while you got to sleep cozily. You’ll see people in all forms, dancing to music they pulled up on their phones, people in towels who were in the middle of shower time, and lots of shoe-less Joe’s. Just be thankful if you don’t live on the 8th floor like I did.
Take advantage of Festifall especially. Covet those t-shirts, cupcakes, cookies, and condoms. Hoard those pens, water bottles, magnets, ping-pong balls, and lip balm. You just never know when these things will come in handy.
With everyone having to leave their dogs behind, there are many opportunities to pet some puppers. Look out for “Dogs on the Diag,” or “Puppies in the Library.” Your soul will be soothed. Also, Reggie the Campus Corgi is probably the friendliest of them all. Go friend the lovable puppo on Facebook. RIGHT NOW.
The good thing is everyone tries to make the best of the situation. Let’s face it though, there are always coveted dorms. If you’re on North campus you’ll have your own set of friends who share your situation, and will be your bus buddy. If you live in South Quad you’ll probably talk about how you know ALL of the athletes, when you most likely just say hi to that one golfer down the hall. No matter what, you’ll have your own set of dorm friends separate from the friends that share your major, or that you met in your campus club.
Plan your activities accordingly. By this, I mean when you want to close the blinds and blast Mr. Brightside and dance with your roommate. Admit it, you were thinking something entirely different, weren’t you?
If you got stuck with an 8 AM on Fridays, you may wake up to vomit in the hall or in your community bathroom. It’s always wonderful when that “community” shares last night’s mix of jungle juice and pizza with you.
If you don’t like partying and going wild DO NOT panic. There are all kinds of clubs here from Ballroom Dancing to MASA (Michigan’s version of NASA), various engineering car teams including a Solar Car, and Formula Racing. There are Intramural and Club sports with anything from Quidditch to Sailing or Boxing to Broomball. There is a Sign Language Club and a Fashion Club. There are all kinds of religious organizations. There is a Feed The Squirrels Club and a Don’t Feed The Squirrels Club. With 1500+ organizations on campus it’s hard to find something you CAN’T join. (I probably picked up at least 35 flyers at Festifall and said “I’m going to do that!”) The best part is even if you can’t, you can start your own organization!
Seriously. A guy in my hall who wore nothing but pajama pants everyday showed up to a Halloween party in a suit and tie. Sometimes you’ll keep yourself sane in the classes you hate by marveling how that one girl in the front row can manage to not only buy, but drink that much Espresso Royale and never have to pee once in your 2 hour long class. You’ll have to go out and see it for yourself.
The classes are definitely harder, the people are more genuine, and there’s a lot more freedom. There’s always the possibility to go out at 2 AM for whatever reason, but you’ll come to know it’s not the best idea for your sleep. Responsibilities will have to be juggled in with your social life, because you’re going to run out of clean laundry at some point.
Try to head to a study room? Good luck, they’re all probably booked or taken already. You will probably begin to wonder if this many people live in the building because you haven’t seen this many people ALL semester long. The same goes for libraries. There are just SO. MANY. PEOPLE. Good news is, you won’t be alone when you’re studying until 3 AM.
Yes, as cliché as it may sound, it will happen. You’ll make friends with people in your major who understand everything that you’re annoyed by as far as classes go, and you can laugh together about it. Friends will pop up in your dorm, when you’re shy the first week, and you branch out and talk to people in your hall. Leaving your door open or having a whiteboard are both good policies for friend making. As you join clubs you’ll make friends too. That guy who you sit next to in your unassigned-assigned seat in Psych class will probably crack jokes with you or at least wave when he sees you. Heck, my roommate and I became best friends and started to do everything together. You won’t be alone here.
You will fit in. You’ll know the fight song at the end of the first week. It will be funny, and difficult, and awesome. It will begin to feel like a home. You’ll love it so much that when you go home for the summer, every time you see a person with a Michigan t-shirt you won’t be able to help but say “Go Blue.”
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