Things You Give Up In a Relationship

When you’re in a relationship a lot of things change. You add someone into your everyday life, which means certain things you used that were acceptable, just aren’t acceptable anymore. When you’re in a relationship you have to respect your partner and certain boundaries.


We all know about the story of boy meets girl and vice versa. You’re with your friends and you meet another group of friends of the opposite sex and hang out. But this might open the door to some flirting, especially if you’re friends are engaging in it with whoever they called dibs on. Flirting and pairing up with others while in a relationship is definitely a no-no.

Partying too hard

Of course, you can still have fun and party if your partner doesn’t mind. However, staying out super late and doing whatever you want is often frowned upon while in a relationship. If you still want to party hard, try bringing your significant other along and make it a fun couple outing.

Exchanging numbers

This may sound like reiteration, but it is good to get specific. There is nothing wrong with socializing and meeting new people, but there has to be a line. Exchanging numbers based on flirting or in pursuit of something more than platonic can definitely cause a rift in your relationship.

Unlimited time with friends

You should never ditch your friends while in a relationship, however you should make sure to make time for your significant other. Trying to find the balance between the two is hard, but possible. It’s easy to make one side frustrated when they feel like you’re spending too much time with the other. Your friends are used to seeing you all the time, but that definitely changes when you have a boo.

Doing your own thing all the time

You can definitely do as you please, well to a certain extent (see above), but you should always keep your partner in the loop on what you’re out and about. Don’t leave their messages hanging and be respectful of their feelings for you.

See Also

Not having any communication

A lot of us use the summer for relaxation and to have space but you should maintain contact with your bae even if it’s just a simple text giving them a heads up that you need some alone time. Bae doesn’t mean before anyone else for no reason.

Unlimited spending

Make sure you budget and have money to still go on dates and do fun things with your significant other. Sitting in your room doing the whole, “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know what do you want to do?” “Let’s see… oh wait, can’t afford that, or that… or that,” is never fun.

Michaela Leung

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