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Things You Do When You’re A Concert Junkie

Things You Do When You’re A Concert Junkie

Are you a concert junkie? Do you love going to concerts and obsess over bands? Here are some more things you do when you're a concert junkie!

The live music addiction is a justifiable hobby for all music lovers. Nothing is better than hearing and seeing your favorite band or artist live. Live music is a great way to forget your problems outside of the music venue and live within the moment of hearing and dancing to your favorite song. The infectious nature of constantly going to shows could mean that you are a concert junkie, and here are some signs that diagnose your live music addiction.

Your Instagram Feed Becomes A Concert Feed

Forget the selfies and photos with friends when your feed could be full of live videos and pictures of you meeting your favorite band member after the show. Concert junkies essentially deem content from concerts as the only thing suitable to feature on their feed and exposes their music taste for their followers to see. There’s no harm in having a concert feed that attracts other Instagrammers interested in the same type of music, and it is a plus for your friends who could not go to the show and can just watch your concert videos to make up for their loss.

Concert Calendar Planner

A concert junkie’s planner starts to look more like a concert calendar than an academic planner by always having a show to look forward to. Typically, a concert junkie’s best friend is the app/website called Bandsintown that regularly shows when an artist releases a tour and comes to a town near you. Bandsintown and your planner go hand in hand when it comes to creating your monthly concert calendar.


Immune To Line Waiting

To the average person, the thought of staying in a spot in line all day and outside is unappealing and boring, but to a concert junkie it’s a worthwhile activity as long as it means getting the perfect front row spot. Line waiting has become an experience within the concert culture where people literally just spend their entire day sitting on concrete and waiting for hours for doors to open. Not even weather conditions of a blazing sun or single digit degree temperature can faze a concert junkie line waiter. In conclusion, concert junkies are immortal to the weather conditions and time.

Mosh Pit Equals Fun Pit

Concert junkies are all about engaging themselves with the crowd and music, which makes moshing a desirable activity to do at concerts. Moshing varies on the type of crowd and music being played, but for the most part it’s just aggressively dancing, jumping, and pushing people around in a friendly manner. Some people fear moshing due to the physical activity of having to touch people when you bump into them, but for concert junkies it’s a liberating feeling to put their energy towards moshing the person next to them.

A Portable Charger Is Your BFF

A concert junkie may not go to every concert with their friend and sometimes ends up going alone as long as they have their inanimate best friend known as a portable charger. Portable chargers are your best friend when it comes to waiting for the show because no one wants their phone to die before the band comes on stage. Mophie is one of the best brands to satisfy a concert junkies portable charger needs ranging from power banks to the most convenient form of an iPhone case.


Makes Concert Friends In Line

As a concert junkie when you attend multiple shows in the city or you constantly see the same band every time they come into town, you may notice some familiar faces who are also fans of the same musician as you, thus inevitably becoming friends or mutuals on twitter. Concert culture is especially prevalent and popular online, mainly through the form of Twitter. Plus making friends with similar music taste is not a bad way to pass the time in line or have a consistent concert buddy every show.

Setlist Playlist Maker

Concert junkies are devoted to having the best live music experience possible by learning the setlist for shows months in advance in order to be able to scream out all the lyrics at the concert. is their best friend when it comes to learning the song selection before the show, and concert junkies can be found playing their setlist Spotify playlist nonstop till the date of their show.

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Broke Guestlist Beggar

The life of a concert junkie is not cheap, in fact it’s actually really pricey to be able to go to shows all the time, so that’s where social media and socialization comes into play. Whether it’s through befriending the band in person through all the shows over the years you’ve attended or begging them on Twitter, acquiring guest list is a great way to see the band completely for free. Otherwise, without guestlist as a broke concert junkie college student, you’ll be obtaining more concerts than decent meals.

Follows the Band

Concert junkies go big or go home when it comes to their favorite band, resulting towards following the band to as many tour dates as their budget allows. Whether it’s because the bands new album is amazing, or the setlist has all your favorite songs, or you want to make some road trip memories with your friends, following the band on multiple dates is worth it to a concert addict. Especially if it’s the band’s final tour, seen with most One Direction fans who mourn everyday about the loss of One Direction since the Where We Are Tour in 2014.

Always waits to meet the band after the show

Concert junkies are all about befriending or getting to talk to their favorite artist in person, and to be able to snag a pic with them for their social media. However, there is a line drawn between concert junkies and groupies, so consider concert junkies the innocent version of groupies.

Are you a concert junkie too? Tell us what makes you a concert junkie in the comments!
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