10 Things You Can Do Today Instead Of Texting Your Ex

We’ve all been in the situation where you’re sitting there, wondering if you should text your ex or not, the answer: don’t. Whether it brings about confrontation, mixed feelings, lack of closure from the relationship, or confusing emotions, the rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t text your ex. Most of the time, I’d say, they need to be the one to reach out, but every situation is different. However, right now, instead of going down that rabbit hole, here are ten things you can do instead of texting your ex.
1. Text Your Best Friend Instead
If you have pent-up emotion, then vent! And who better to hear you out than your best friend? Better yet, invite them over, invite a group of friends over. Your best friend is going to be there for you no matter what. They also offer a steady, loving, and positive distraction for you to focus on. Plus, you can entertain each other!
2. Watch A Movie
A good hour to two-hour distraction is always welcome, longer if you actually go to the movie theaters. Plus, getting yourself mentally involved in another world will help you to stop focusing so much on your own. A movie can be a welcome distraction, and can even make you feel better (depending on what type of movie you choose, just make sure it’s not an old romantic one that will make you sad unless that’s what you’re going for I guess). Bonus, if you choose a movie with a hot lead.
3. Download A Dating App
If it’s the attention you’re looking for, you’ll find it. Download Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or whatever is popular in your area and just get lost in swiping. Swiping on dating apps almost becomes unconscious. Plus, this is a good way to remind yourself that you’ve still got it, you’re still thriving! This distraction will provide you with the attention and affirmation you were looking for, and maybe you’ll even find a new SO (only if you want one).
4. Go To The Gym
Nothing bad can happen from going to the gym. Working out will give you endorphins, which will help relieve you of some of the stress you’re feeling, and better your overall mood. Plus, nothing like getting your “revenge body” to make you feel better. Not that going to the gym and living a healthy lifestyle should ever be about someone else, but it can be a good motivator to start. Furthermore, going to the gym can boost your self-esteem and make you feel even better in the long run. If you don’t feel like going for a run, just go for a walk, or do something active to release those endorphins.
5. Clean
Cleaning is not only therapeutic, but I bet you need to do it anyways. Put on some of your favorite music and get to work. Cleaning will also give you a better sense of control over your life, and a feeling of accomplishment when you’re done. Plus, there’s no harm in cleaning anyways, you’ll just have a much more organized room by the time you’re done, and that can be a good feeling in and of itself.
6. Update Your LinkedIn Profile
It probably needs the work. When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? Not only will this distract you with something to do, but it will also benefit you with current and future employers when they view your profile. Having a good LinkedIn profile and networking with people in your field, is a surefire way to move up the totem pole of your job or move into the career you want. So instead of focusing too much on the past, invest in your future!
7. Call Your Mom
When was the last time you called your mom? I’m sure she’d love to hear from you. Talking to your friends and family is a good way to remind yourself that you are still very loved and appreciated. Your mom will always be there from you, especially if you want to talk. She probably has more advice on the situation than your friends do. Even if you don’t want to talk about what happened with your mom, calling her will make you both feel better.
8. Get Your Nails Done
Nothing will distract you and make you feel better more than self-care. Plus, when you’re getting your nails done, or doing them yourself, you can’t use your hands anyways! This is a good way to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Do a mental check-in right now, do a face mask when you get home, and take a bubble bath. These small things will improve your overall happiness. Besides, there’s no better feeling than leaving the salon with a fresh set.
9. Go Out To Dinner
Get dressed up and go out to dinner. It will be nice to get ready for something, to put on the new clothes you just got, and put on a fresh face of makeup. Furthermore, going out to dinner with your friends or family can not only be a good distraction for you but can also remind you of how good your life is right now without adding drama into the mix. Maintain the relationships that you already have with your friends and family and spend quality time with them.
1o. Ask Yourself Why You’re Texting Him
Why are you wanting to text your ex? Is it for closure? Revenge? Reconciliation? Ask yourself what the reason is and if it’s worth it. Does texting them provide you with something you can’t get on your own? You can find closure on your own, you can find your own happiness. If texting you ex is going to bring negative energy into your life, then don’t do it. But if you’ve already completed everything on this list and you’re still feeling the need to text them, and texting them will in no way hurt yourself, then take another day (a full 24 hours) to think about it and what you want to say before texting them. But I guarantee you, you probably don’t need to.
Having the feeling of wanting to text your ex is hard, it’s a pain that takes a while to go away. But I promise you that one day that curiosity will end, and you’ll no longer feel the need to text them at all. I hope this list can help with that, or at least give you the first step.
As always, leave any questions or comments below! If you have any more advice for our readers let us know in the comments 🙂
I’m from Long Beach, CA and I’m currently a student at Villanova University, pursuing a major in Communications with a double minor in Psychology and Spanish. I started writing articles in the fall of 2019 and fell in love with writing, hopefully, you’ll enjoy my articles just as much as I do!