10 Things You Can Do This Summer With Little Money

Being a student during the summer can mean that you are busy with work and have little money available to spent. Here are 10 things that you can do with little money this summer.
The zoo
On a nice summer day, it is simply hard to stay inside all day, that is why going to the zoo is the perfect thing to do! For me and my friends going to the Saint Louis zoo is always our go to when we have no other ideas on what to do. What is even better is that the zoo is free, I know that all zoos aren’t free admission, but they are not all so expensive. If you are a college student that is strapped for cash, say no more because the zoo is the perfect thing for you to do! nothing is better than hanging with the penguins and lions as you slurp down a cool lemonade on a hot summer day.
Pool day
If you have a pool, then this makes this activity quite easy to do, and if your friends have a pool then even better! Having a pool day with your friends is such a fun way to spend all of your hot summer days, plus it is free, no spending money involved! All you have to do is chill by the pool or in the pool on your huge flamingo floatie. Add a speaker for music and a few margharitias and you have got your self a fun and chill pool day with friends!
Sometimes you really need to take advantage of the nice summer days before winter and fall come back right around the corner. A perfect way to take advantage is to be active and get outside! The great thing about being active is that you don’t have to spend money, so hiking is a great summer activity to do when you are running low on cash. Heading out to your closest state park is a good idea of a place to hike, bring a few friends with you and make a day out of it!
The movies
I don’t know about you, but going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do over the summer. Going to the movies is an easy way to get your friends together and have a great time over a movie. These days tickets are getting more and more expensive, but there are some killer deals that you can get in on! On Tuesdays marcus theaters has five dollar movies and on Thursdays they have six dollar movies for all students and teachers! It is honestly my favorite thing to do, go on Thursdays and Tuesdays, the only downside being the price of the food. Overall, going to the movies is the perfect summer activity to beat the heat and do something inside.
The park
Somedays you want to be outside more than others, if that is the case then going to the park is the perfect thing to do, what is even better is that it costs no money! If you live in a small town then going to you local park is a good option, but if you are in a big city then going to the big city parks is a must! There is so many things that you can do at the park, but I usually prefer to bike, take a walk, or simple hang out with friends!
A concert
I know that concerts can tend to get pricey, but overall it depends on who is preforming and where. Over the summer there are a lot of outdoor concerts and a perk of them are that you can get lawn tickets for pretty cheap. The cheapest tickets can range from $25-50, which isn’t bad! Sometimes there may be live music in your city that you can attend or even concerts at a smaller venue that are still quite cheap. Jamming out to your favorite artists with your friends is just about the definition of summer goals!
Baseball game
There is nothing better than going to a baseball game with your friends, supporting your local sports team. For me, I find myself attending a few Cardinals games in Saint Louis over the summer. What is so great is that tickets aren’t always so expensive and there are plenty of opportunities for you to get free or discounted tickets for the games as well. evening games are always a good idea because it begins to cool down, so you wont be cooking in the heat of summer.
A lot of people don’t really like bowling, but if you are doing it with the right people then you will have an amazing time! For just a single round of bowling it is not expensive at all, and it the perfect activity if you are lacking on the money front. Bowling is a great summer activity to hang out with friends and stay out of the heat of the summer.
Now, this activity may not be for everyone, but it is one that you can do with friends and it costs little money. Just because it is camping doesn’t mean it wont be fun! You can go out and venture out to your local camp ground and have a fun night under that stars. If you are feeling a bit less adventurous then you can simple put a tent up in your backyard, make your own fire, roast some smores, and take a look up at the stars. Camping doesn’t always mean having to rough it, it can just be a fun night with friends outdoors.
Going for a drive
Going for a drive may not seem like much of a summer activity, but I must say that it is one of my favorites. I truly think that nothing is better than taking a drive on a summer night with your windows down and your music blaring. This can be a fun thing to do on your own or your friends can join along and you can all sing your hearts out to your favorite songs. Doing this cost no money, except a little bit of gas money, but it is completely worth it!