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15 Things You Already Miss About FSU

15 Things You Already Miss About FSU

20 Things No One Told You About FSU Freshmen Year

Whether you just graduated (yet it’s already been two weeks?) or graduated months/years/decades ago, being a Florida State Seminole never really leaves you. Garnet and gold will always conjure a smile, the chop will forever be instinctive, and the memories never leave. Here are 15 things you probably already miss about FSU and will most likely miss forever.

1. Walking Through Campus

FSU’s campus is absolutely beautiful. At night I dream of brick buildings and shady walkways because of how much I already miss FSU.

2. Landis Green

Landis is an embodiment of FSU itself, and I never knew I’d miss walking through it until it was too late.


3. On-Campus Events You Never Went To

They’re kind of like the emergency blue lights around campus: you never use them, but it’s weirdly comforting to know that they’re there. And if you did go to frequent on-campus events, good for you, except now you probably miss them even more.

4. Being Facey

Going to FSU makes people feel like low-level celebrities. Everywhere you go, you see someone you know. After leaving FSU you’re one small person in a very large world, and you realize you’re no where as near being verified on Twitter as you thought.

5. College Ave

Going out to drink in the real world is expensive. When you went to FSU, College Avenue was local, wild, fun; and drinks were dirt cheap. Missing it is inevitable, especially when you try to go out to real adult places and end up spending enough money on drinks in one night to cover a semester in Tally.


6. Game Days

When you go to a school that cares about football as much as FSU does, college football becomes a part of you. You live for game day: a day to wear garnet and gold, start drinking as soon as you wake up, and let all of your school pride out in full force. The realization that your last college game day is behind you is a grim and nostalgic one.

7. Strozier

While you may have some agonizing memories from here, there really is no place like Strozier. You go in, go to the level you prefer, and get stuff done more efficiently than anywhere else. Even if you aren’t actually getting things done, being at Stroz just makes you feel like you are. Plus, you always see someone you know (refer to #4 above).

8. MadSo And The Challenge

Madison Social is a popular place to get a casual drink with friends in Tallahassee. And now that you’re so many miles away, you’re probably wishing you’d completed the MadSo social at least one more time (whether it’s because you never managed to complete it or because you do it every single month.)


9. Y-Bombs

Somehow this hasn’t caught on anywhere else, and no it is not acceptable to take one at weddings/work functions/funerals/etc. Post-graduation is sad.

10. The Fast Food

Gumby’s, Guthries, Chubby’s, and a Chick-Fil-A that is open until 3am. If you didn’t already realize how much you miss it, you do now.

11. The Attire

Getting ready for class at FSU is so effortless- you grab your favorite t-shirt and your most recently washed gym shorts, and go. You’ll probably be judged if you put on makeup or do your hair. And as far as night-out clothes go, you’re going to miss your disco shorts and Geoffrey’s because it will NEVER be socially acceptable to wear them again! I’m not crying, you’re crying.

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12. Your Professors

We all had those professors that drove us crazy or bored us to sleep every class (those were always the ones with the strictest attendance policies, too). But during our time at FSU, we had professors and classes that shaped who we are and what we’ll become. It’s bitter sweet knowing our time in their classrooms is over.

13. Free Gyms

Motivating yourself to go to the gym is hard, especially now that you have to pay for a gym membership. Hopefully you can break your bad college food and alcohol habits before the post-graduation 15 hits.


14. Roommates

The thing about having a roommate in college is that you spend a lot of time with them. And no matter how crazy they may have driven you, now you miss them. A lot.

15. Looking Forward To Graduation

During your time at FSU, everything was building up to one thing- graduation. FSU was your time to have adventures and figure out what you want in life- and then suddenly you graduate and everything you’ve been waiting for has come and gone. Graduating made me feel more lost than ever before (and trust me, I’ve felt pretty lost before).

While there is so much to look back on, so much to miss, so many memories in this wonderful place we all called home for just a little while; here’s to making memories after FSU and pursuing the lives we have been preparing ourselves for at school.

These are 15 things you already miss about FSU. What was your favorite part about going to Florida State University? Share in the comments!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
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