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8 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year at Lafayette

8 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year at Lafayette

Preparing for college is hard enough, but it's even harder to prepare for a small school! Here's 8 things to know before your freshman year at Lafayette.

My freshman year at Lafayette college was nothing like what I expected. Naturally, my head was filled with oodles of naïve ideas of epic parties, crazy tailgates, and overly spirited football games. The tricky thing that I was forced to deal with was the fact that these characteristics could be found at large, state schools, not my small, liberal arts college.

Since Lafayette is such a small school there is very limited information offered online about student life to help me prepare for what my actual expectations should be set on.



Finishing my freshman year at Lafayette, I had a wake up call, to say the least, of what my college had to offer- but that’s what I’m here for! To provide help, insights, and more to prepare incoming Lafayette Leopards!

1. Lafayette is a small school and unfortunately not many know anything about it.

Including how competitive of a school it is. You know the awkward looks I’m talking about when someone asks where you will be attending in the fall and you can easily read the confusion spread across their face. However, DO NOT LET THIS GET TO YOU!!!


Remind yourself that Lafayette is an incredible hidden gem, and becomes increasingly harder to get in to. Be so proud and fulfilled of yourself, despite the lack of information of others. One year later and I still continue to wake up every morning amazed that I go to the school!


2. Due to the school’s size, word travels around quickly.

With that said, its just important to keep in mind that a stupid mistake that you do, who you hook up with, or random rumors made up about you, can easily be known by word of mouth amongst much of the student body. That being said, however, is not meant to scare you. If anything it should just be a reminder to keep yourself and your actions in check. Take it from me personally.


3. The party scene can be frustrating.

However, you have the advantage of being a freshman girl. While the first few weeks offer much hope, you come to the realization that it is because of sorority rushing and pledging, resulting in the older girls’ lack of appearance. Once pledging is done, parties soon become limited. Sports teams and fraternities host parties with the sororities- making them strictly closed to anyone else, and opening briefly at midnight. Once the clock strikes 12, the party finally becomes open. Nights like these are mostly held on Fridays.

4. Parties usually end between 12 and 1, and then everyone moves to Campus Pizza.

Pizza dive by day, club by night. Every weekend there are students waiting outside hoping to be let in. Most underclassmen Campus goers usually have to wait outside for a few minutes until being let in. Students are found dancing, sitting on the bar top, or making out with their hook up for the night. Whichever way route you take, Campus is a dark, sweaty paradise for Lafayette students on the weekends.

5. Despite popular belief, you do not need to go home with someone every weekend!

Of course feel free to and do what you want, but absolutely do not feel pressured to! You’d be surprised as to how few of students actually are.

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6. You will learn to love late night adventures.

Inevitably you’ll find yourself taking late night snack runs, trips with friends, and drunken night pit stops at WaWa. You will never understand its full glory until you find yourself in one of those positions.

Tip: A good holiday gift idea would be a gift card to WaWa.


7. Take a break from the dining hall.

If you ever find yourself needing a break from the dining hall food, Greenmouth Juice Bar and Café, a short walk once down the hill, has the best avocado toast you will ever have. Who knew it’d be found in Easton, Pennsylvania!?


8. The line at Simons is always outrageous.

The moment Simons, one of the dining options on campus, opens its door and there is already an incredibly long line.


Pro tip: Try to get to Simons 10-15 minutes before.

What tips do you wish you knew your freshman year? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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