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10 Things To Watch When You’re High

10 Things To Watch When You’re High

When you get high the only thing that should be on your mind is what snacks you want and what movies or shows you are going to spend the next few hours watching. There is nothing better than watching mindless shows and laughing either by yourself or with friends to end a long day. What’s nice about being high is that you don’t need to pay close attention to know what’s going on, you could be grabbing a bag of chips come sit back down an everything would still make perfect sense to you.

1. Family Guy

Taking the number one spot, a classic, Family Guy. You are absolutely lying if Family guy doesn’t make you crack up after passing a joint around. Stewie and Brian Griffin are iconic characters. Not saying the rest aren’t great but come on, that duo that makes zero sense hits different in the show. Family Guy is the type of show where you could close your eyes choose a random season and episode and you would laugh your ass off. This is without a doubt one of the best shows to watch while stoned. Also, if you feel like trying to branch out and can’t find anything, Family Guy will be your security blanket. 

2. Rick and Morty

Another great show that makes close to no sense but has a cult following. Rick and Morty. This show is so incredibly absurd but at the same time you can’t take your eyes away from it. It provides great laugh with the sense of humor a 13 year old could get. And honestly, that’s what you need when you’re high. Something that doesn’t exert too much brain energy from you and just makes you giggle.

3. Seth Rogen Movies

This has to be a category all on its own. Seth Rogen is the epitome of stoner. His movies are absolute classics and make the most sense when you are absolutely ripped. Seth Rogen is in the best stoner films. Pineapple Express, Neighbors, Longshot, etc. As long as Seth Rogen is one of the main characters, you are sure to have a stomach ache from laughter. While I know that is a pretty high pedestal to have him on, he meets every single standard.

4. Youtube

If sometimes your attention span can only last ten minutes or less than see if any of your favorite Youtubers have any new videos out. Youtube is a great place to go and look for one specific thing then find yourself falling down a completely unrelated rabbit hole. If you are fresh out of new content on Youtube, I must suggest watching Chris Klemens on Youtube. He is absolutely amazing and has some of the best videos to watch when you’re stoned.

5. Documentaries

If none of those options tickle your fancy, a great option is documentaries. Sometimes when you’re high just learning facts is so fascinating. Turn on Planet Earth and learn about the Arctic for an hour or two, no one is judging at all. Sometimes the documentaries are so simple, but at the same time just absolutely blow your mind.

6. New Girl

New Girl is one of the best shows to watch when you’re high. While it is a TV series that you absolutely need to follow along with unless you’ve seen it multiple times, you can watch it sober or high. So, if it’s your first time watching New Girl, you can watch an episode while you make your morning coffee then throw it back on at eight o’clock when you’re getting high. It will make sense either way, and sometimes it’s better enjoyed high.

7. Shrek

Shrek is a classic. Who would of thought something you grew up watching would become something so great when you’re an adult? Shrek is a cinematic masterpiece. Donkey hits different after you’ve hit a joint two or three times, no one can fight me on this. And, if you have the time, you can watch the entire Shrek series while taking smoke breaks in one day if you want to. You will never get bored and you will get all the jokes you never got when you were a kid.

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8. Bob’s Burgers

Another classic animated high show. Truthfully you need to watch the first two or three episodes of season one so you can get to know all of the characters then you can float around through all of the seasons. Bob’s Burgers is right up there with Family Guy. It’s so weird but at the same time so good. The kids in this show at times are relatable but at the same time leave you feeling like “what the hell?” Bob’s Burgers can at times also invoke some emotion, which is very, very, rare. But, it makes it that much more enjoyable because you get invested with these silly characters.

9. Will Ferrell Movies

Another general category because you simply cannot choose one. Will Ferrell can play such a huge range of characters it’s truly amazing. But some of his films like Step Brothers and Blades of Glory are better watched high. What’s super cool about these movies is that you can watch them the first time through with you siblings or parents and it’s still absolutely hilarious. But then you end up with some of your friends and a joint and it’s like you’re watching the same movie but with different eyes. Will Ferrell is an amazing actor who only puts put genuinely humorous comedies. While it may overly dumb humor, when weed is involved it’s absolutely amazing.

10. Deadpool

A great film with a great take on a superhero. You see some many superhero movies that are beyond serious and saving the world in every which way. So, it’s only fair that the high community got its own superhero. Deadpool is so funny it’s hard to put in to words. Plus, for the lady stoner community knowing that its Ryan Reynolds under that mask makes it just a little bit better.

What do you watch when you’re high? Let us know below!