Categories: Campus Life

10 Things To Try Before You Finish College

The amount of opportunities in college is almost uncountable so figuring out how to balance your schedule is one of the hardest things. With a million things to do and a limited amount of time, here are 10 things to try before you finish college: 

1. Become Friends With A Professor:

Something that college offers which isn’t as easily available in high school is the ability to grow close with your professors. In college, challenge yourself to become friends with a professor. Not only will you have someone experienced to talk to, but will also have someone who can facilitate future opportunities for you. There’s no downside to getting close with a professor at college. 

2. Stay Up All Night With Your Friends:

College workload should provide several all-nighters during your four years, but they aren’t the same as an all-nighter that is chosen. Before the end of college, challenge yourself to have at least one all-nighter with your friends; Stay up from sunrise to sunrise and have an unforgettable experience with the ones you love because chances are there won’t be too many opportunities to do so. 

3. Go To A Campus Performance:

Even if it may not seem so, your respective campus will have many performances available to its students. Whether it may be a play, poetry reading, acapella concert, or anything else, going to at least one campus performance will at the very least be an interesting new experience that you can say you’ve now done. 

4. Attend A School Formal:

Yes, school dances can be lame, but they can also be exciting and fun. While at college, don’t miss your rare opportunity to get dressed up and go out with your friends, and if you don’t have a good time at least you’ll have learned that it wasn’t fun. 

5. Throw A Surprise Birthday Party For Your Friend:

With thousands of students and people to meet on campus, there will always be dozens of birthdays every month, even just within your dorm. Find a friend and surprise them with a birthday party in the lounge of your dorm, or even in your dorm room. Everyone loves surprises and cake so there’s really no downside. 

6. Take A Spring Break Trip With Friends:

Spring break week in college tends to be a crazy one and you don’t want to miss out on the exciting experiences that come with it. If the crazy spring break scene of Miami isn’t for you there are still plenty of other options and places to go. A trip with your friends for spring break will be unforgettable and is something you should plan on doing at least once in your four years at school. 

7. Learn A Second Language:

Though difficult, learning a second language is extremely useful in the working world. A lot of business and work is done internationally so it never hurts to know more than one language. If you have the time, there are plenty of resources and apps that can help you learn flexibly. 

See Also

8. Play Rec-IM Sports:

One of the perks of college is the amount of club and Rec-IM sports it has to offer. Take your choice of anything from badminton to water polo and practically every other sport in between. Rec-IM sports aren’t too time consuming and are a great way to bond with your friends while also getting some much needed exercise. 

9. Play Frisbee On The Quad:

The cover photo for seemingly every college is the typical students in a circle throwing around a frisbee. Join in on the fun and do so yourself at some point. It may not be as prominent, but throwing a frisbee with some friends on a warm afternoon is a great way to unwind and take a break from school work or any sort of stress. 

10. Go Out For The First Snow Of The Season:

The first snow of any winter is infamous for making things crazy so join in on the fun and go outside to embrace the weather. Chances are dozens of others will be out making snow angels and snowmen, or just jumping around and throwing snowballs on the quad. 

What are some things that must be done during college? Comment below to share!

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Tags: college
Daniel Rodd

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